It was another of those miserable, grey days which makes weather forecasters timid and embarrassed when they can’t promise anything better. Except … the gloom may lift soon. We don’t seem to have had many of those bright, sunny wintry days this season.
And there do not seem to be any anticipated. Not much joy in that forecast.

I took myself swimming, but the presence of a tutor and three adult pupils meant our slow’ lane became a ‘training’ lane so I retreated after 700m.
H was pleased enough to see me upon my return and we had a chat whilst I finished off a pot of Thai curry soup with the addition of some sprouts for a late breakfast. It was tasty. As these things are. Then unfortunately, I dozed off which was annoying because I had things to do.
Most importantly, I needed to take H out. She didn’t seem too bothered but I was. So, because of all the overnight rain and continued extreme sogginess underfoot, we are still taking advantage of the tracks at Cholsey. However the grassy areas are really beginning to suffer. There are also some very inconveniently placed roadworks at the top of Ferry Lane.
Though these road works cannot rival the ones between Didcot and Wallingford which have not moved over the last week and where I have seen no one working. Water continues to pour out of a substantial hole at the side of the road. The bollards lack regular attention and are becoming a bit half hearted about their job, as they have developed jaunty angles and some have taken to reclining flat. The traffic light, however still has energy.
Anyway H and I returned after our walk and I prepped a massive salad to save myself the trouble later.
I whiled away an hour or two in my newly reorganised studio. I was contemplating my newly purchased wooden egg shapes and Easter designs with Greek ideas. With my Easter Trip in mind. I might do a Birthday one too for Tina.
It eventually became time to eat that salad which I really enjoyed. By the time I came to eat it, I had forgotten all the delicacies I had buried within it so it was quite a voyage of discovery.
In the absence of anything much on TV, I started to watch series 2 of David Mitchell’s Outsiders. The first episode was one huge belly laugh as I chuckled my way through it. Completely funny silliness so if you enjoy that sort of thing…
This confused Heidi who has never seen me in such a silly state and who became very animated and keen to join in. Her paw was busy reminding me she was there and could I please explain what was going on.
The clock got to bed time, so I joined in and that was where I went.
Thought for the Day
Top people the Danes …

Why stop there? They could change its name to Daneland. And make it the Danish Sunshine State and Riviera. After all a large part of it is a burnt out pile and needs investment for a rebuild. And Denmark could probably make a good fist of it, so might as well appropriate it. Why bother with niceties. And of course the native population might need somewhere to go – think there’s a big empty desert available in Nevada.
How about New England? We, here, are a bit short of space and could do with an overspill little plot of land. There is already a New Hampshire there ready and waiting and a Boston too so it spans from the south to the east and should cover all possibilities. Starmer – could be time to make an offer.
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