Having intercepted a text that landed at 01.30, re car insurance payment being declined I phoned Barclays and took them to task over this in the early hours. They could offer no sensible reason for their actions.
As a result, was awake for the remainder of the night, stressed and angry at the summary decision to decline. I amused myself watching TV.
I missed my swim because of the need to ring Saga asap which was 08.30. They soon sorted me out. One of the good things about dealings with Saga is they rarely keep you waiting at the end of a phone line. But I was not going to tell Barclays that. (Or lie down and submit to their summary treatment. I have registered a complaint. )
I guess Saga are used to dealing with those on the wrong side of 60 years old.
And I note on the News today that they are summoning those over 75 years old for vaccination against the RSV virus. That’s me! I just missed the last call up by two weeks. They must be expanding it or reviewing it every six months.
I went out quite early with H in miserable, cold, damp weather.
Then I came home and sorted out the ‘studio’ a bit, after having placed items in my art tool box to take to Newbury and back over the last few weeks. I needed to restore various items to their proper places. And then I did a bit of painting . (Just to test if things are in the correct places once more!)
Tracey came visiting and we went down to the Beetle for a sandwich lunch which was very nice. We had a ton of news to share. Both of us are now widows, though, in fact, Tracey was about to divorce Peter. (lovely man, although I already knew he was demanding of her at the end of the school day, but it morphed into possessiveness) But he was diagnosed with the return of cancer of the oesophagus, after receiving the all clear a couple of years earlier.
That stalled their divorce although they had separate accommodation by now. She moved back in with him ( it’s complicated) but he died a year ago. On February 29th so no annual Memorial Day.
There have been all sorts of shenanigans at Compton Primary – far too complex to discuss here.
Tracey is now living with Katy, the other side of Gloucester, with three dogs and three horses. Katy has dropped out yet of her studies, again, this time from her Bristol Veterinary degree. Anna will join them for a while because she wants to save rental money.
It was great to see Tracey again. Easy meet up and introduction into the continuing chaos of her life. Though it must be simpler without Peter to manage. She seems to keep buying houses to live in, which she does not like, so sells them on! Hopefully, her recent January move works out.
She is currently doing (semi permanent) supply for a school in Gloucester; somewhere with a high immigrant and traveller population. The travelers are exceptionally difficult. A class where the names are unpronounceable when you come to do the register. (I remember such classes at Kings Furlong in Basingstoke) A difficult Y6 class that are fairly unmanageable and who they could not find anyone to teach. She is just the person.
It was so good to see her again.
I learnt that Compton had been emptied of long term staff by a ( malicious) new HT and her sidekicks. And even Tanya has now left, (as recently as this term) whose daughter, Lottie, is now in Fleur’s circle of friends. We used to chat about her daughter and my granddaughter being in the same school year, but then at different schools, years ago. Small world.
I wish I could pretend I stayed awake all day, but after last night I was happy to doze.
Thought for the Day.

Tracey is somewhat younger than me … probably by 10 years.

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