More of the same

Yes… more cold, wet unpleasantness.

I experienced a rather dozy morning, not doing anything much, before giving up on waiting for the rain to stop.
H and I went on our familiar stroll around Cholsey Meadows which is just about the only nearby place where I can walk without getting stuck in mud, wrecking my already wrecked ankle even more, or be at severe risk of tripping over.
It’s a shame that the Thames Path from the Beetle is not more user friendly. ie less of a death trap.

We had a nice peaceful walk at Cholsey, helped by the fact that the rain stopped. It was still very cold, didn’t stop H from paddling though.

I returned home to cook my cod and eat a mega bowl of salad, to discover TV was full of sport. I was not really in the mood, but missed an exciting rugby match. Thank you to France for letting England beat you. That must have been annoying for you because you were supposed to be the superior team.

The evening dragged on with nothing much. I started to watch a film called Mr Jones which was based on an interesting true story to do with the Holodmor – the starvation of the Ukrainian people in the 1930s. Lots of horror to being that home and amazing camera shots of poverty, corpses and snow. But I have yet to get to the end of it. And I found the political figures a bit confusing. Stalin etc. But I am learning about things previously unknown to me.

While on the subject of starvation, I was horrified at the gaunt , emaciated faces of the released Israeli hostages. But then the Israelis seem to be systematically starving the people of Gaza. How can something like this ever have any sense of proportion?

Thought for the Day

It seems I’m not the only person who noticed.






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