Cold, Wet Unpleasantness

That was the theme for the day. I could add grey skies and sleetiness at times.

The diary showed the day was empty. That was good. Too much early frost deterred me from swimming so instead I still got up and sorted the dish washer and the washing machine. And set them to work.

Eventually I gave up waiting for the weather to improve and H and I launched ourselves into the not so great outdoors. It was not very nice. I followed it up with a trip to Waitrose, just to save time over the weekend. Keeping up with all this fresh food and veg is quite hard work. H waited in the car.
Waitrose was busy – the tills involved queues. Everyone had loads of shopping but I was lucky enough to be able to swap to a newly opening till. I was smugly satisfied as I drove out of the car park, to see the lady who was in front of me at the first till, only just shoving her trolley across the car park.

I had not been home long, when DCI rang to check I was able to take him to the garage to pick up F’s car. Yet again. Wheel bearing this time and the MOT that they did not have time to carry out in a previous occasion.

The drive there was quite exciting as Dave chose the cross country route, which was stuffed full cars in Upper Basildon. The school run I guess.
The roads are very narrow and not meant for things like large Waitrose delivery vehicles, or BMW drivers who can only timidly squeeze through narrow gaps. And then slew themselves diagonally across the road in front of an oncoming car. Dave suggested it might be a good idea to go past the vehicle concerned. I was glad to do so.

The road through Pangbourne returned me home safely and minus the excitements.

I had an early supper as lunch seemed to escape me, unless you count the olives that I devoured as a snack. This was some of the cid I had bought earlier at Waitrose. Fish Friday = -20% and all that. For once, I cooked it perfectly, translucently flaky etc.

The Mump and Trusk show continues with flagrant disregard for the rule of American law, international law , any and all laws. I expect all human rights will be next, instead of just those for people with gender issues or of immigrant status, or females. Roll on the mid terms. They might be interesting. But they are a while away. An unstoppable wrecking ball …

Thought for the Day






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