The day dawned at the usual early hour. The car was covered in one of those very hard thick frosts. I contemplated a swim and initially decided against it because of the thought of defrosting the car, as well as the thought of icy roads.
But the swim got the better of me and whilst the car was de-icing, I carried out a few useful chores. Eg getting into my swimsuit and dry robe; sorting the kitchen etc.
The drive to Didcot was another beauty. Pink skies visible in my rear view mirror mirror, misty fields and ice decorating the trees. The pool was not too busy but those that were there were very slow and not my preferred faces. Eg the annoying lady in blue. Why do people come to pools to stand around and chat, filling the space where you need to grab the wall to turn around?
Swim done, I returned home, via Wallingford. And sat down for some brekkie. A very good orange and a banana. Not exactly filling.
I had tablets to collect from Goring surgery, where, for once, the dispensing machine was in cooperative mode.
H and I then went up to Lardon Chase for a stroll and little chat with T. The skies were blue, the sun was shining, the moon was keeping an eye on everything. And the tracks across the grass were sticky, and perilously muddy in places.

Some of Pen’s memorial plants are beginning to poke their way into the above ground world.
We returned home to soup and broccoli when I received a phone call from Ali asking if I might be available to retrieve G from school. He was finishing late due to some DT tasks and F ( now his chauffeur) was in Oxford attending some medical lectures at the invitation of some important parental, professorial friend.
Having downed my soup, I gathered up G and dropped him by the Bull so he could perform his paid dog waking duties. F and G share these on a regular basis for another important Oxford medical person. A useful little earner for them.
The rest of the day drifted by with nothing much to recommend it. It was a chilly evening.
Pen and Dave are back from gallivanting in Morocco – looks like an amazing trip.
DCI is back from NI which was probably not quite so amazing as it was a work trip.
I binged on Amandaland an excruciating, cringeworthy follow up to Motherland. Quite amusingly excruciating. Joanna Lumley has a lovely part to play.
Doggy Thoughts for the Day

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