Busy busy

A reasonable night on my scale of reasonableness. But I first awoke at the usual early o’clock. I made a mess of my puzzles – or of at least one of them. Too many choices and wrong decisions made by me.

I was up and out with H round a section of Streatley Rec quite early, prior to our veterinary appointment. But around a half way round, I remembered I had forgotten H’s vaccination documents and it is easier to get them filled out at the time of the vaccinations, rather than take them along later. I went home and retrieved them.

H was very nicely behaved, particularly in the waiting area. However, in the consultation room, things were slightly different. Having greeted the vet quite cheerfully, she then stood with her nose at the door. Meanwhile she was pricked with routine vaccinations, nose squirted with kennel cough vaccine and her anal glands were emptied.

One of Heidi’s less endearing habits is to drag her bottom across the floor. So maybe anal glands was the cause. The vet confirmed that treatment had been needed. Let’s hope the habit is dropped. Some dogs need regular repetition of this delightful treatment; others never need it again, or at all.
We discussed the annual Bravecto jab but it is very pricey. The vet advised me, that to reduce costs, I could get a private get a prescription from them and then buy Bravecto online. Food for thought.

H was not very pleased with me after the vet, and she made this displeasure clear at the start of our walk at Greenham, where it was blustery, cold and quite wet. Lots of temporary lakes littered the Common.

She paddled and waggled her rear end in the water.

Next up was a trip to Hobbycraft for one or two items and I opted into the M and S food hall.

I had agreed to pick up G after school because F, who drives him home these days, was busy biologing .

On the way, I had time to spare and decided to pick up a coffee at the Hampstead Norreys Community shop. Oh boy, there are so many temptations in that shop. It is a treasure trove for deliciousness! I resisted! Forgot to pick up eggs so hopped to Vicars where I resisted more temptations.

I left home at 09.00 and didn’t return until around 17.00. Art tomorrow. Final one. I shan’t be sorry, I’ve had enough of carting half a studio around with me. The tutor and other attendees are very pleasant, not cliquey like at the Coaching Barn. But the logistics have been tricky and the focus was not what I was looking for. Crochet next at the end of the month.

G was very chirpy and was delivered home safely.

Santorini and it’s minor earthquakes has made our national news now. The Greeks are worried a major event may be about to take place. Schools are closed and residents are catching planes and boats to leave the island. Tina tells me 16 additional flights have been put on. People have been required to empty their swimming pools which I doubt will please the Greeks. Water is expensive and precious.

Mump and Trusk continue with their attempt to control the world. Please let them end up with egg in their faces. At the very least. They have plans to own Gaza now, once they shoved a couple of million Palestine’s elsewhere (but not to US.)

And my car still awaits clips to replace the struts.

Thought for the Day






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