Another windscreen day has come and gone. First – cancelled because trim was not sent; second – cancelled due to rain; third – windscreen partially installed but clips missing so side struts not located. Once they are received the repairer will make yet another (4th) appointment and return to finish the job. In the meantime, I am told the car is watertight. And can be used etc.
Next: the doorbell has been relocated in position after a bit of a charge and a wipe clean. It’s behaved itself so far since, about 18 hours ago. Finally- Dave kindly came round and changed the fire alarm battery so peace reigns. .
The day dawned full of misery once more. No swimming because I had to remain in for the windscreen job. This took the nice man quite a long time but it is largely done except for appointment number 4. Yet to be made.
Because of all the shenanigans and because the car had to rest while the glue set, it was early afternoon before I took H out. We had dodged a shower which occurred after the windscreen was fitted. Fortunately. But we nearly got wet because dark clouds were banking up, ready to pounce.

H paddled quite deep. Deeper than in the photo.
Not much else happened apart from a visit from Dave this evening to fix the fire alarm.
And I might have fallen asleep.
Later, I watched the first episode of an unusual C4 ‘reality show’ called ‘Go Back to Where you Came From’ featuring 6 people, three starting in Syria and three in Somalia. 4 of the group are seemingly absolutely implacable racist bigots. Anti immigration, anti refugee and all associated thinking. ( two men and two women) . The other two are women who see a different point of view but whose voice is completely drowned out. So in each country, it is the two bigots versus the one voice of reason, both voices of reason are females.
The idea is that they undergo a journey to the UK from these countries ( under heavy guarded protection) to help understand why inhabitants are so anxious to escape and take part in the dangerous journey to reach the UK.
Of the Somalia group, each participant remains steadfast in their thinking despite the extreme and armed militia and dangers they encounter out there.
In Syria, the male bigot (a chef) is brought to tears by who he meets and what he sees and hears. This group buy food for a family and the male (chef by profession) cooks a bbq for them. In return the family offer them a night’s hospitality in their bombed out wreck of a building they call home. But the three are removed by their minders because of potential danger. Eg of kidnap and ransom possibilities.
It is an interesting watch fraught with danger, or so it seems. Though the protection is heavy, there are certainly moments when this is needed. And of course there would be film crews attracting attention. And logistics would have been set up, so how real the experience actually is remains to be seen.
Thought for the Day
Good old Benjamin Zephaniah. I used this when I was teaching.

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