Yes- an awful night where I found sleep did not come easily. My watch reflected 0 hours. Don’t know why. Sleep was just not on the agenda. Luckily I had Raynor Winn’s second book- The Wild Silence to read. That was quite absorbing but not a happy read at this point.
( It is Saturday morning as I finish typing this and I have just had a wonderful night’skeep)
I felt really tired when I woke up eventually and certainly did not have the energy to drag myself off to the swimming pool.
It was another horrid miserable morning. Even doing my morning puzzles was a miserable event because several went wrong. Badly wrong.
I arose because I had to get H out for her walk because I was going to meet friends for lunch. At the Butt in Aldermaston.
I just managed to avoid being rained upon during the walk. So did Heidi. There had been another dose of heavy rain overnight so everywhere was very wet. And slippery.
it is the last day of January and I shall be glad to see the back of it. A flurry of deaths has battered my ears recently though some of them are old news that have only just reached me.
Anne’s sister, Mary; Tracey’s husband, Peter; Anne Brooker’s husband on NYE; and the other day I heard from Lyn Cattlin that Nigel died in September. Lyn and Nigel and family were some of our best friends for many years in Burghclere. But they moved to Devon and we drifted apart. And then back to Hungerford, but I have mislaid their contact details.
I trawled Fb and have found Anthony (always easier to find a male because women tend to change their names on marriage) and have asked that he put me in touch with Lyn. He has accepted me on Messenger so hopefully things will move forward. Sad.
I will never forget Lyn turning up at our house one day, as we were foolishly wielding a sledge hammer demolishing an internal (load-bearing) wall. She had just had a spat with Nigel and was well fired up. She grabbed the sledge hammer and finished the job for us. I reckon that was around 1980.
Anyway, off I went to Aldermaston where another good lunch and chat took place. Sue and Jane are both well. What I like about the Butt- it’s honest pub food cooked well and it always arrives really hot so you know it has been cooked to order. Unlike Brenda’s chips the other day which were cold and she sent them back. I hate cold chips.
I arrived home to a friendly greeting from H and I knew just what I was going to do – makeup for the last night’s lost sleep. So I did.
The evening meant it was time for another salad mountain. And Death in Paradise, new series, new detective and an old face.
Thought for the Day

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