Another Day rolls by

And another tricky night with an early wake up was passed. I got myself up and out to the car to go for a swim. Day light was just beginning to help me make sense of the outside world. But it had failed to reveal the hard frost in the car.
This took sometime to melt away despite the best efforts of myself with a scraper and the car with its heater.

The trouble with having a bells and whistles, and all singing and dancing car, is that it has all sorts of dashboard icons that are meaningless to me. One came up as orange (warning colour) on the way to Didcot but changed to green when I was nearly there. Something to do with the frost maybe? A mystery at the moment. I also get various beeps and noises , if there is frost for example or if I wander off the expected line. ( aka road departure mitigation) I get the heavy breathing grunt if a message is coming via CarPlay.

(The Internet tells me the mysterious icon was a safety support indicator icon. Can illuminate when sensors are obstructed by dirt or frost, apparently)

Oh what ignorance I used to drive in! Flat tyres, weak battery, a door not properly closed, seat belts not holding shopping in place, light bulbs blown, brake pads worn,oil pressure low, a hair out of place, my buttons not done up, etc etc

I was on the wrong side of my booking time when I arrived at the Wave. The pool was pleasantly quiet for most of my swim. The lady in blue/ red and today, patterned pink, insisted on greeting me like an old friend, despite the fact I have zero interest in her and this has never wavered. I grunted back.

The lady I do like was present, and must have started just before me because she was still at it as I exited.

I returned home clad in my dry robe, but with emergency every day wear in my bag. In case of awkward moments when I might have needed to dress fully. I usually do this at home.

The rubbish disposal experts had visited so it was my turn to dispose of something, the bins from the pavement. H was half pleased to see me.

I sorted the washing and carried out some tidying up whilst I waited for Sharon to arrive. She did, at about 11.30 minus the Miele (vacuum cleaner). This had been residing at the Illis for the last 10 days, on loan, whilst their Dyson was being fixed. My carpets had not seen a Hoover for three weeks, which was more than long enough. As it had been whisked away before it was about to be used.

Somehow, between us all, it had not been made clear to Sharon that if she was to Hoover my carpets, she would need to bring my Miele back with her. Doh!!

So I lumbered over to Streatley to pick it up whilst she dusted and mopped chez moi and I dragged the bloody thing home. My floor was in a quite dreadful state. Quite embarrassing.

Having handed Sharon the Miele and some cash from Dave, H and I went off to Cholsey.

From being a very icy and chilly 2°C earlier this morning, the temperature was now 11°C. And the sun felt quite warm whilst we wandered and admired the rising water levels in the local ponds. And H paddled.

I paid a visit to Waitrose, my recent adherence to calorie checking has resulted in constant need for a fulsome supply of fruit and veg. I broke the bank and bought 8 Navel oranges – a variety I particularly enjoy. And I know their season will not last long. More big fat tomatoes were added to my basket. As well as various other items including more beans. Borlotti this time.

We returned home to lush, deeper pile, clean carpets. The Miele yanks the fibres upwards as it sucks every morsel of rubbish and dog hair up. Thanks Sharon.

Having unpacked, I fed myself more of Waitrose’s green pea soup and added extras of broccoli and green beans. Quite filling.

The chlorine is bringing out itchiness that is driving me mad. Cetirizine is needed. Luckily I have some.

The evening passed in the usual haze, accompanied by a few irregular squeaks from the fire alarm. I have batteries now. I suggested the long armed technically expert might pop in over the weekend.

Thought for the Day






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