I passed a reasonable night but, one that was not without interruptions. Yesterday had been a beautiful day but a combination of looking outside, and reading the forecast, hinted that today would not be pleasant, and it wasn’t.
In fact, storm Herminia would arrive late morning and of that there was no doubt.
In order to avoid her destructive arrival, H and I were out quite early. We hurried around the Meadows today, no time to enjoy a sojourn on the bench .
The wind was very very strong so I think we were both relieved to get back to the car, only just ahead of the main rain event and just as spots were already falling. It became very very heavy and that was how the day continued.
Once home, I retrieved the aubergine and courgette that both needed cooking from the fridge, along with various other ingredients . And used the newly purchased tomato passata to rustle up a briam. It looked like this:

And it was very tasty.
I relaxed for a chunk of the afternoon whilst I watch the rain sweeping across the garden making sure nothing escaped its relentless efforts. H took one look and ran away when I asked if she would like to go outside. She had already had one soaking this week.
I received a text from Sophie, who has adopted Chris’ dog , Skinny, (now called Stanley) to be a friend for her little dog. We plan to meet up at the end of March. Heidi always got on well with Skinny. Before Chris took him on (2019) and he was still a stray, Heidi would play with him on the beach. I used to worry she would disappear with him. The vet said he said he was a Greek hunting dog.
The evening disappeared mid way through the great Pottery Throw Down which was annoying. Very annoying. I had to catch up with it later on.
Thought for the Day

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