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I had a bit of an interrupted night which meant I slept longer into the morning until my repose was disrupted by the rather rude alarm clock. I had to get up

H had a brief trip outside before I gathered up my possessions for my trip to Newbury for my art course. I had experienced dreadful travel conditions for the first two mornings, but today’s experience was greatly improved. I managed to avoid all road works apart from the ones actually on the Base (at Greenham Common) .

We played around with Gesso for a while this morning, exploring how it can be used. And then moved into collage. I enjoyed it but am not good at it. The course was titled experimental drawing and I think that is rather misleading. No drawing has featured so far so I’m quite disappointed.

The journey home was smooth and I tumbled through the door ( which now locks again) starving hungry. So I demolished some left over leek and potato soup. And then I may have chillaxed for a short while before speaking to Pen on the phone.

Poor little H did get a walk but not until around 4.00pm. It was long enough, but not 5km long as my watch suggested. I ended up in Wallingford briefly for one or two items from Waitrose. Daylight seems to be lasting longer these days.

I have received a rather splendid slim volume from Tina about some people who inhabited Chania rather a long time ago. It is written and translated by her, based on her nine studies of the ancient population. A great job.

I wonder if the US is becoming a police state…

Traitors – I fell asleep long before it began and watched it in small doses later. No spoilers. It will be over soon. Eleanor was out partying anyway and not at home to keep me on task. And I might be out tonight on a hockey run.

Storm – something unspellable- and tricky to pronounce – is on its way ( Eowyn – Ay-oh-win) . I think they are trying to share the storm names around the British Isles.

Thought for the Day

I now know …

The name comes from a Lord of the Rings character, suggested by Jo public… Tolkien based his names on old English usage. But it might be Welsh or Irish and have various meanings depending upon which Internet suggestions you believe .






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