
I awoke to skies that were at their darkest, but which later, carried a little bit of hope as they lightened acceding to the new day. But I only realised this after my swim.

I was booked in for my swim 07.30, and left home at 6.50, in the darkness. I was contemplating whether to head for Wallingford to reach Didcot, but chose the back way. This involved driving up Halfpenny Lane, never a happy experience- due to its width and degraded edges.

Here, and for the next few miles, I was troubled by the vehicle too close behind me. Its lights dazzled me, so seeing ahead was difficult. Like looking outside into darkness from an illuminated room. At the T junction it was impossible to see in any direction due its lights glaring neatly into each of my wing mirrors which bounced the light back into my face. I felt distinctly annoyed. And not very safe. It turned out to be one of those pick ups with a truck cab. He had 4 different types of lights switched on on the front of his vehicle.

I allowed him to overtake which brought immediately relief to my eyes. As if a calm had fallen on the road.

The pool was quiet when I arrived but busier when I left. 1000m clocked up. The first 20 minutes were incredibly boring but the remaining minutes were more interesting thanks to people cluttering the lane. I had to devise overtaking strategies.

Swimmers’ brekkie no 2 in as many weeks . followed. Very well attended and my plate of beans, mushrooms and eggs was very tasty. Lady in blue/red was not an attendee, thank goodness.

Once I returned home, I took my screwdrivers to the front door but I only improved matters very slightly. It still does not close without lifting the handle. And the key will not lock it. However the slight improvement means that, somehow, it is locked from the outside. Don’t ask.

I walked H afterwards, in gentle sunshine . A fog had descended whilst at Root One but cleared quite quickly. H splattered around in the ponds and we played different games with her treats. This latest one involved me splitting a meaty strip into small pieces, then throwing them. She spent ages hunting down every single piece. Before requesting a repeat.

We returned via Goring where I collected more Bravecto and worm tabs from the vet, breaking the bank in the process. H is now wormed and Bravectoed up. Bravecto lasts 3-4 months. The worm tab 4-6 weeks.

I enquired about the new Bravecto annual injections. But the Receptionist said I needed to discuss it with the vet as they have not yet received full information on them. I will do so when H has her annual booster jabs in a few weeks time. H was a good girl demolishing both the tabs along with her meal later on in the day.

I made potato, leek and other veg soup, keeping it completely unspiced which allowed the veg flavours to sing through. Tasty. Eloquent or what? There is more for tomorrow though I have a Carers’ lunch to attend.

I doubt if my windscreen replacement will take place on Thursday because the promise of rain has now become a storm. Annoying.

A plague of itchiness – thank you chlorine- has descended. Annoyances seem to abound today.

The worst being the inauguration of that , soon to be (insane) dictator, in the USA, flanked by Elon Musk and his Nazi salutes, and other overly wealthy business owners. Didn’t see Bill Gates there. But then he strikes me as wiser. A philanthropist with feet wisely planted. Unlike suckers up, Bezos and Zuckerberg. Disappointed in Zuckerberg, unsurprised by Bezos.
May their votes bring the American citizens the realisation of their folly. Trouble is, it seems to be the way the world is going. Scary. Seriously so. Hitler would be proud.

Other thoughts today have been with Chris in Crete, caring for a very poorly Luis. And the frustrations and unfairness of the situation. Never mind the confusion little Luis might be feeling. A small dog with huge character…

Thought for the Day

I don’t believe he does for one minute. I think Musk knows Trump is a fool and is just using him for his own ends.

This is me…






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