Catching Up

I seem to be getting good at catching up. 2x. With Anne and on sleep.

All those weeks of missed sleep. It was tough. Now, I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open if I do much as sit down in that chair. I must pick up knitting again, or go to my craft room, it is getting too dangerous.

The day was one of unspeakably awful gloom. The sky appeared to be a bilious green when I peered through the blinds.
But I went for it and H and I took an early ish stroll at Cholsey. It was 2°C .

I think I had fried my brain this morning. I managed to leave my watch at home, despite waiting for it to be charged. I keep my house and car keys on a lanyard and forgot that. The good news is I did not have to use the key safe to reacquire access to the house. The bad news is the reason: the front door is playing up and does not want to shut. Bit of a problem, that.

It did this over two years ago, (at knee operation time) and Alex fixed it by tightening some screw or other. I must see if I can fix it tomorrow. If not, I shall have to contact a woman who can.
The walk was unremarkable except for the gloom. For this, I forgot my hat. A hood just does not work in the same way.


We were not back home for long before leaving to meet Anne. I just had time to string a few of my left over baubles together for her as a belated Christmas present.

I left H at hime because I was a bit concerned the windscreen might decide to cause problems, which would only have been amplified with H in tow. The crack is extending , albeit slowly, by about 1cm so far.

Anne and I met at tge chosen venue, The Plough on the Hill which is near one of the Swindon M4 exits. They do great food and are always very very busy. BUT – it is not top of my list for a Sunday meet up because of:

1. They consistently apply a two hour slot for each booking and 2. Exit and entry is off a very busy road with poor visibility.

Both of these were the case today, particularly the former. So we arrived at 12.00 and had to be away by 2.00pm. Not ideal if you have not met for a while. We contemplated a further drink at the farm shop up the road but we were dicing with death getting back onto the road. Traffic was extraordinarily heavy today and we would have had to an awkward turn against the relentless flow. So decided against it.

Lunch was very very good. The pub was very busy. We had a chatty catch up. I have not seen Anne since Mid November before she left for NZ to be with Mary and family. Very sad but glad it is over.

I had travelled there cross country via Wantage, and twisty rural road and small villages. I returned home via the nearby M4 and the Newbury exit which was quicker and more convenient, using a familiar route but not as interesting.

Because we only had a couple of hours for lunch, there was quite a lot of day left. So I used it usefully, with a little bit of a long snooze followed by The Great pottery Throw Down amongst other things. I meant to add CTM into the mix but got distracted by other things. Eg. The Serial Killer’s wife. This latter is excellent viewing. The Throw Down is not bad either.

Thought for the Day






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