Sleep is definitely improving. The difference is I am able to get to sleep again after a wake up, whereas for weeks and weeks, I was finding this very difficult and would lie awake for hours.
I think this probably dates back to August when the first kidney investigation took place and the stent was put in, which made normal sleep fly out of the window.
I still wake up around 05.00 and I would rather it was 07.00.
Anyway, today was another miserable dull and gloomy day. Nothing to recommend it and only a suggestion in the diary, to watch F play hockey around lunch time.
So, I arose and sorted out dishes into their washer. I needed to give the dishwasher a good cleaning of its own, which I did later in the day. Nasty gunk was beginning to accumulate around the filter. I wanted none of that in MY dishwasher.
H and I were out quite early to Cholsey where H thoroughly inspected the ponds. Water was dwindling in the overflow ponds thanks to a drier few days.
I didn’t do much apart from try to catch up on the Madame Blanc Mysteries – a gentle low brow series, a bit of a spoof, pretending to be filmed in France. For France read Malta. It has a cast of regulars, some of whom are ghastly parodies, who pop in and out of the various episodes. But I found MY5 had suddenly withdrawn the first two series and I was mid series 2. This was somewhat annoying.
So I binged on Series 3, lest that also become available. Series 4 only has one episode… more to come this year. MY5 has some quite interesting ‘comfort’ TV on offer.
I was surprised to discover that W and B had received another huge pile of logs for their wood stove. Odd that, because it was inlt about a month ago that one of them said they had more than enough logs to last through this year. They must have had four deliveries in the last six months. And they all require moving. This delivery was completely blocking the shared alleyway and bin access etc.
I set off to watch F play hockey but found the sports car park heaving with no spaces. So I set off to Lidl for 20 minutes in the hope things might have improved.
But my 2nd attempt to park was even worse, by now there was a Parking Marshall who could not really offer much help. Where have all these people come from?
Rugby is taking place now as well as hockey. The rugby pitches are no longer lakes so that may be the reason.
So I returned home and whiled away the day reading and with Madame Blanc. And there was Casualty too.
Tomorrow is a meet up with Anne somewhere near Swindon.
Thought for the Day

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