A Day of Disasters

Well at least I had a decent night’s sleep. No swimming today because I had to be in Newbury for 10.00 for my art class; or more precisely at Hobbycraft for 9.15. I couldn’t find my oil pastels anywhere/ So I needed to replace them.

But first I had to get H up to the Illis to keep Minnie company before bringing both dogs home to keep me company for a couple of days.

DCI is away in the States, what a great place to visit at the moment! So Ali has a lot to deal with – a broken down car last night, work, G to ferry around and F to support. Her introduction to life behind the wheel has not been smooth, through no fault of her own. Passing deer on her first day out did not help. Not A passing deer, but at least two. and a dodgy battery has contributed .

The day had dawned damp. Not pouringly so – just unpleasant.

I travelled via Pangbourne but seriously annoying, and very badly managed road works, held me up for over 20 minutes. 20 minutes of going nowhere. Whilst traffic from the opposite direction poured past. All because whatever idiot is responsible, could not work out that joining traffic from the left was going to cause major problems for those aiming at Theale.

One past this monstrous injustice, the road was clear and the journey trouble free. Well, almost, but not entirely, because Pinchingon Lane is still closed. That means you cannot get directly to the Retail Park where Hobby Craft is, along with Tesco’s, Lidl and other important delights.

So I headed back down the detour into Newbury and back up the link road. And scraped myself in and out of Hobbycraft, which fortunately was very quick.

So off along the A339 to the Base … my troubles would be over. Oh no they were not. There was nowhere to park. All parking slots were occupied so I managed to park roadside by some wire fencing. Not being able to use the car park is a pain because there is quite a lot of quite heavy stuff to cart into the Base.

The other attendees were not happy either, particularly the ones who arrived after me. The tutor was another unhappy person – complaints will be made. One attendee had parked in a disabled bay, another in the EV charging bay. And they had far more heavy equipment boxes than I did.

I’m unsure why the car park was so busy – people meeting up in the cafe maybe, after the school run.

Today’s workshop was mainly about creating and assembling different items for something we will do next week. What it is remains a mystery.

So now for the journey home, which was not trouble free. A stone or similar landed on my windscreen making a sharp crack. I eyed up the vehicle responsible in my rear view mirror, as it disappeared but it was an enclosed large van so its load was not flying around.

It was only later I realized there was a large crack in the base of the windscreen.
Naughty word, naughty word, and a few more of the same.

I had picked up two dogs from Ali’s , but… as I was organising them, I heard a plaintiff mewing. I couldn’t find Freddy, the cat anywhere. I think he must have been on a chair, enclosed in the room with both dogs. What a brave cat surviving several hours with Heidi. And what a good dog to be kind to Freddy. Maybe. I had noticed him in the room as we arrived and she had not barked. She even wagged her tail.

However later in the day, our neighbours’ cats received the usual treatment. Which is not friendly.

We took a short walk which allowed the dogs to get rid of some excess energy as well as shit and wee.

I was quite fed up and quite hungry by now. Breakfast had been a non event so I had a couple of hard boiled eggs and salad. And then … well my tummy was not exactly full, but full enough to allow a snooze.

The windscreen is due for replacement in 24/1. I just hope the crack does not spread. It will mean it fails the MOT which is on 17/1, thanks to its size, though it is at the base of the windscreen. Too big to be fixed other than by replacement. I just hope the urgent service will go ahead, and need to discuss MOT options with Honda. Maybe they can issue an MOT after it’s been fixed. On 24/1. The whole business is a. VERY BUG NUISANCE and affects all sorts of things.

And now it is evening so we will see what that brings. Traitors!

No spoilers for Traitors … but plenty of intrigue.

Thought for the Day






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