
I had quite a good night’s sleep… maybe the additional exercise is relevant.
However, I was still awake around 05.00. And I fought my way through the foggy depths of dawning consciousness and into my swimming costume.

It was another fairly unpleasant drive, in the dark, to Didcot – and there was plenty of other traffic out and about. We travelled via Wallingford, but returned across country via Hagbourne. Where there was no current flooding.
The pool was very quiet when I arrived without any of the usual familiar faces. But I had a pleasant swim.

The post-swim showers are open and squashed, and for men and women. There is a group of men (one in particular) who play the ‘Big I Am / Matey, Matey / One of the lads’. etc. They are harmless enough, but still annoying, lacking any sensitivity. Out to impress, but failing to do so. I was soon done and out of there.

I returned home, faced with the construction of my drawer unit for my art and craft materials. It was not difficult and an Alan key was supplied. But no hammer as required in the first instructional picture. Nor was there a screwdriver which was required to tighten 14 knobs. However I managed to sort the various steel poles and many drawers into some sort of sensible arrangement.

After I had made temporary sense of my craft ‘stuff’ , H and I went off for our walk at Cholsey. I have not been there for a couple of days, and much work has taken place in my absence. The Christmas trees and chopped bushes have all been chipped. Another pond’s vegetation has been chopped back. And workers were busy clearing the little brook of its excess of rampant greenery.

It was a pleasant afternoon and the sun proffered a little warmth and the birds were busy. Is spring lurking? Or were they happy to see the back of frost?

Chippings of the Christmas trees etc .

Below: more pond clearance and remains of the ice.

Paddling again at last.

We came home to a healthy dose of left over beans. They are all but gone now.

Various phone calls occurred this afternoon from both daughters…DCI is in the States.

Tomorrow I have an early art class. And then two dogs for two days. I shall be on my toes. Literally. And rising early tomorrow.

Thought for the Day






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