
I passed another of those wakeful nights which was interrupted by a few intervals of sleep.

The day appeared to be dull and miserable and very very cold. Not a day to want to be out and about.

I was expecting the lovely Sharon at O9.30 to do my cleaning so there was a need to get going. A bit of tidying up was required. I bundled my crockery and clothes into the wash and awaited Sharon.

We had quite a chat whilst Sharon and her cloth floated around the kitchen. I fiddled with the Instantpot and its instructions whilst she worked. I had some beans soaking and intended to cook them in my old, new toy later. But will, in fact, deal with them tomorrow.

I had to wait for my watch to charge up before going for a walk. Outside, it was not quite as treacherous as yesterday, but it was bitterly cold. H decided against breaking the ice today which appeared as a thicker layer sealing the surface of the ponds. And trapping any wildlife in murky depths.

H watches her prey.

Silver hills in the distance. Apparently Newbury has snow remaining. We have not received any significant snow but surroundings hills are white.

I selected Waitrose as my shopping target. But the car park was choked and I found this a bit odd at 12.30, so abandoned that target and headed to Lidl. There is always free car parking at Lidl, in both senses of the word ‘free’. Available and at no cost.
The new, reorganised Lidl had everything I required. And more. But I was resistant to all temptations and replaced anything I did not need that I found had mysteriously jumped into my trolley. I hate shopping.

My shopping was heavy and I dragged it inside and reluctantly unpacked it all.

I entered home by stepping over a mysterious letter headed in Welsh. But hey, I thought it was a speeding summons from my welsh trip but it was merely a car road tax demand. That was swiftly dealt with. Did I mention I hate unpacking shopping? In fact abbreviate that to: I hate shopping. And all that it involves.

At home now, I made a mushroom, spinach, cheese and courgette lasagne. No lasagne though. The courgettes were masquerading as lasagne sheets. It was yummy.

And then I fell asleep, and despite setting an alarm timer to wake me up, I snored on. And on.
And woke up feeling better for it. Just wished it had been at night.

It was getting close to time for the Traitors. No spoilers again. But I did not enjoy this episode quite so much as others. But my goodness, what else can the programme designers dream up? And how can the contestants keep getting it so wrong. Thought they are getting warmer in ‘hunt the thimble’ terms.

Thank you to Dave for sorting out my tumble dryer. Towels are not only clean, but also dry. It’s funny how we no longer are surrounded by about six towels all in use . T, bless him, used to help himself to a clean one if there was the slightest hint of residual moisture in any towel that was out. Two suffice these days. But the clothes aider remains a cheaper option.

Thought for the Day






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