Just one of those nights not without interruption.
I fell asleep in the chair and woke up at about 21.30 – halfway through Traitors. I revived myself and caught up with it in bed. Last week, it was sometimes on at 20.00 which suits me better than 21.00 because I’m usually still awake at the earlier time.
No spoilers. Except to say I feel like picking some of the contestants up and shaking them. Particularly the opinionated ones.
It was a bright sunny, day but very chilly, with a hard frost which hung around for most of the day.
Sharon texted to ask if she could clean tomorrow instead of today. Fine by me, just postponed the tidying up bit until tomorrow. And allowed me to delay departing from my cosy warm bed.
But we did get out to Cholsey which was wonderfully bright. The Christmas tree heap has grown and been added to by the contractors who were chopping down bushes in the overflow pond the other day.

I presume the grounds’ contractors will do something with it all. They keep the grounds in great condition. And the pond looks very trim.
The gravel paths had been transformed to ribbons of white and I avoided them lest I slip. The ponds had become thin sheets of ice, also to be avoided. H took a delicate step in the thicket-free pond and immediately thought better of it.

We returned home to some lunch and a snooze. I had intended to go out later for some tomatoes and other veg but decided to empty the fridge instead. Two cherry tomatoes would suffice. Along with the lettuce, walnuts, prawns and beetroot.
LA continues to be a disaster area … so much destruction . I can’t see how insurers can cover the costs and stay in business.

I’ve had this instant pot since before we moved – probably for over 5 years. Dave retrieved it from the loft this evening … it’s all sparkly and new… still in its original packaging. There is an app I believe. Looking in the internet, I can see it has been superseded by instant pot with air fryer version and ones that respond to wifi.
Dave also gave my tumble dryer a de-fluff so it might work properly again. In the meantime I have a cheaper way of drying clothes etc. It is called a clothes airer. Just leave it in the kitchen overnight and my clothes are dry by morning. But you can’t dry things in a hurry.
Before Traitors this evening, I tried to watch a programme about the LA fires but Dave’s helpful presence interrupted that.
But sandwiched in between the two programmes was a wonderful one featuring Sandi and Debbie Toskvig and their extensive woodland . Acres and acres of it and how to manage it. Just wonderful. Holly is native but intrusive… it had to go. Amongst other things.
Koala chlamydia pneumonia is what Sandie thought she had whilst hospitalised in Australia. But it was not this variety of pneumonia that made her quite poorly. Her lungs are not quite doing the job at the moment. See Sandi’s Great Woodland Restoration on C4. It’s good.
And then it was Traitors. SSH!
Thought for the Day

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