The expected snow never arrived in Moulsford although Newbury had quite a covering , I believe. When I peered outside at about 05.30, there was still the remains of the icing sugar dusting that we had received but rain was already taking control.
So from a temperature around freezing first thing in the morning, by mid afternoon we had 15°C which was forecast to dip back to around 3°C by tomorrow morning. The weather is really crazy at the moment. And it rained nearly all day.
The weather put me off doing anything much. I managed to get my machines going so I have clean clothes and clean crockery.
The kitchen floor and table did not fare so well because my clumsiness made a good job of dropping the empty Christmas cake container, scattering crumbs far and wide.
And then there was the mud I managed to traipse in on the soles of my shoes.
The dustpan and brush have been busy.
I had better get my pinny and rubber gloves on tomorrow and reacquaint myself with the hoover.
More Waking the Dead. I’ve got about 50 episodes left to watch!
I did not pay a flying visit to Cholsey Tesco Express because it became a visit to Lidl because I couldn’t park anywhere near the Cholsey shop. H had a very quick walk up the road by the sheep above Cholsey station. There were some interesting pink sort of berries along the route.

Jacket potatoes and salad featured as my Sunday lunch but I did require a cheese sandwich later.
Next week is busier thank goodness. Toes tomorrow and seeing Brenda on Tuesday. First drawing class on Wednesday. I have not got all the equipment I need .
I have taken an intense dislike to Elon Muck. I think he is completely mad and quite dangerous. I wish he would stick to causing disaster in America and stop interfering in the politics of other countries. Let Trump dance to his tune. Leave the rest of the Wirld in peace.
But he has lobbed a bit of a curve ball in the direction of Nigel Farage who thought he was Muck’s best mate and was going to receive millions for Reform. It seems Muck has recognised Nig for the fool he is. He has told Reform that they need a new leader- a competent one.
Politics is as crazy as the climate at the moment. Perhaps the two are hand in hand.
Thought for the day

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