Yes – waiting was carried forward from the distant past of New Year’s Eve when UPS were supposed to deliver a package. Their website provided no useful tracking information until very late, when I was informed delivery was delayed and would arrive next business day. Of course NYD fell in the middle. It didn’t arrive. Then I got excited this morning, because a delivery slot was posted for today between 13.40 and 15.40.
That information allowed me time to dash out with Heidi this morning. My package eventually arrived at 17.00. I could track the driver on a map as he worked his way around Wallingford and Cholsey. He was really sweet when he eventually arrived and I felt so sorry for him, scuttling around for a crap company. Two whole days wasted.
And back to the rest of the day.
It dawned fine and sunny, only I didn’t know that as I dismantled the Christmas tree in the dark hours of the morning. I still have my illuminated external trees to bring in, the work of a moment. There’s now a sort of empty hole in the sitting room where the Christmas tree once stood. But Moulsford outdoors decorations are still going strong elsewhere.
I then spent the morning waiting around for the parcel until I received the delivery slot text around 11.00am.
Our walk was in chilly air but in sunshine – and we dared to go over the grass which had been too risky the other day. But it was not a long walk due to having to be back at home.
When they did arrive, my new slip-in trainers fitted nicely. My old slip-ins are becoming very worn and tatty to the eye, and putting them in the washing machine no longer has the brand new effect. And I have no wish to take my trendy white ones out in mud.
I finally got out this evening as far as the Memories of Bengal Curry House for the curry I had promised myself on NYE. Some local person had posted a snapshot earlier in the evening of the moon and Venus together. When I went out Venus was almost touching the moon, but my photo was utter rubbish. The one below is someone else’s.

By the time I was driving to Cholsey, both were really bright, with Venus almost touching the crescent moon’s tip. Unfortunately no dark skies outside my house due to the streetlight.
But the curry was delicious.
There is a TV clash this evening between Traitors and a Channel 5 programme about Crete presented by Joanna Lumley. Joanna may have to wait.
No spoilers… Traitors pleased me tonight but I now have to wait until next Wednesday for more!
Thought for the Day

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