Practically no communication with anyone today, apart from a phone call with Pen who was out and about on Glorious Dartmoor; a discussion of Traitors with Eleanor and a text exchange with Brenda.
And a message from Fleur who is not insured to drive her car until Monday – or if earlier, at a cost of £400 for just one week!! Something insurance companies do apparently – charge exorbitant amounts for immediate insurance for newly passed drivers. Really helpful.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of T’s funeral. It will be a difficult day for Ali because she will be attending another one. A business one. In Jersey.
The day dawned fine and sunny, for a change, so H and I dressed lightly for our walk, but the air was chilly. However in the direct and sheltered sunlight, it was quite warm. We enjoyed the sun from one of the benches until an annoying pair of grounds men with noisy equipment came a tad too close.

I have not dozed today which is a good contrast to recent days when keeping awake was tricky. Various TV programmes have occupied my attention.
UPS have still not delivered my parcel that was due on 31/12 and the tracking information is unhelpful. I’ve a feeling UPS have done something similar before, just left me in mid-air, and I ended up without the goods.
Another day passed when I couldn’t be bothered to get that takeaway curry and I settled for raiding the fridge instead.
It has been a real non-day. At least it was sunny. But I noticed glistening particles of frost on a wooden sleeper as H went out last thing. The promised cold weather is on its way.
Tomorrow looks like another non day. Time to take down my Christmas tree methinks. I always miss its lights in its special corner of the room when I first take it down.
Thought for the Day

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