Jam ( no Jerusalem)

Yesterday’s blog failed to deliver itself via email. Consultation with my personal expert revealed no obvious reason for this, so it remains recorded , published, but not delivered. Sorry folks.

For once, I enjoyed a decent night’s sleep which is a rare event, and this, despite various dozes yesterday. It was daylight when I eventually awoke, which is very rare. 07.45.
No one else was up and about when I arrived downstairs for my medicinal decaf and doggy wee stroll. Minnie spoilt that by doing a massive poo so I had to go out later with a bag to retrieve that. She is generous with what she produces. And my hands aren’t big enough.

There was a fair bit of sitting around before those of us who were departing for home, started to gather our gear together. Having been Mother Christmas and delivered loads of parcels to 8 people, there were fewer items to load into the car. George was very helpful with this; he seems to have taken on his grandfather’s role.
After a lovely few days, I departed around midday, amidst traffic warnings from Pen to do with thick fog and heavy traffic. Both were correct. The traffic was to prove to be horrendous. Fog – not so bad.

I’ve driven home through awful traffic leaving the West Country many times, but the first thirty miles through the Blackdown Hills were the worst I have ever ever experienced. The tailback started (A30) long before leaving Honiton, and continued as stop traffic, with the occasional start, for miles. And miles and more miles .

It was difficult to work out why this part of the journey was so bad, apart from sheer volume. I think it was often due to cats entering and leaving the route and turning across the flow. Or maybe the word I need is vehicles.

Once on the A303, things improved somewhat, when on dual carriageway, but around Stonehenge, for about 10 miles, traffic movement was a rare thing.

After three hours of travelling, when I was approximately half way, the satnav ( original journey time from start 3 hrs 9 mins) was still telling me I had 2 hrs 37 mins and 66 miles to do.
In one ear, it was offering me time savings via the M4, in the other ear, the radio was suggesting the M4 was not a good place to be, due to congestion in various places.

What a mess! Once I got near Solstice Services, the road opened up and we were off without significant problem. But by now it was dark so H was not going to get that walk I had hoped for.

For me, now nearly 5 hours in, a toilet break was becoming quite urgent so I decided to stop at Tot Hill Services, rebuilt since we moved home. It is now the location of a Waitrose shop and I needed vegetable and desert items to feed my visitors tomorrow.

The shelves were virtually bare of fresh produce. But I grabbed what I could find that might be useful which did not include anything of salad description.

I had bought a ham before I left for the festivities, which was good to use right into the New Year. And I had salmon in the freezer. Cheese is there none. But Hey, Waitrose had a pack of pears so I will do something with them and some of my frozen apple sauce.

The meal will be made from what I have, and it will taste OK I hope. There are 4 visitors coming, if Marie brings Anthony.

I arrived home to find someone had kindly put my bin out for emptying tomorrow. Unloading / unpacking took a while; it was 18.00 by now. A six hour journey.

However, my three days away were wonderful and I am so grateful to the whole family for all they fed me, all they gave me and all they did for me, and Heidi. I hope the Roberts are enjoying their peace now, in their beautiful home.

I’m not sure, but I think Fleur may have been deprived of her opportunity to drive home because I think they travelled via the motorways in the end. Dave and G who left last, were back first. Via motorways.

Thought for the Day

Thank the Good Lord for my lovely, generous family xxx

Reminds me of Minnie.






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