Christmas Day was so lovely, but I needed today to recover and bring me back to normal. Had the usual restless intervals during the night with a bit of sleep tucked in between. Today has involved various dozes during the day.
I was first downstairs today, so I took the dogs out for their early wee and made myself medicinal decaf. And sat enjoying the early p and q until someone else appeared. This might have been Dave R who persuaded Dave I and Minnie to join him on a 5K run. This is not an item on H’s agenda.
She finds running a long way quite an odd thing to do; does not want to move and her head faces the wrong way ; backwards in a desire to return home. Or it did about 6 years ago. The one and only time she tried it before.
After a magnificent fruit salad for brekkie , I relaxed a while. I’ve spent most of the day in relaxed mode. On and off.
I relaxed whilst everyone except me and the youngest generation walked both dogs. The day was another of those greasy, grey days and they were gone a while. Minnie has been strangely quiet all day after all that exercise, and had to be summoned for her supper later, rather than just appearing from nowhere.
Dave R produced another magnificent meal leading to more relaxation. Those not relaxing played absorbing games of Frankopoly, a customised version of its namesake. With shops like Cartier and Tiffany’s replacing Mayfair and Park Lane and Primark and ??? Replacing Old Kent Road etc. The stations have become art galleries. This was one of Frankie’s 21st birthday gifts.
It was played really seriously and really calmly.

I think I might have drifted off again at this point.
We had a snack supper of home-made tiropitas, cheese, biscuits, a salads, various left overs and the others settled down for some TV and generally more contentious games.
Poor young Evie had to take herself off to work, once more.

And the evening drifted on until the generations split and the younger one evaporated elsewhere. H and I mounted the stairs and were quickly asleep- for most of the night, which was great!
it was 07.45 and daylight when I awoke to finish this.
Thought for the Day
A great Christmas break this year so this is a thank you for all the wonderful decorations, hospitality and for all the wonderful presents you have gifted me. Xx 😘
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