Missing blog

Eleanor alerted to me to the fact that Saturday’s blog has gone awol. It was called Dinner Out, later renamed to Dinner Out version 2 . It was hand typed with love as it was a great work of literature. But the email system does not seem to have transported it anywhere.

Another wakeful night … but I was up and baking at around 05.30, baking my Christmas cake. Groan , no mixed spice in my kitchen cupboard so I had to improvise with cinnamon and cloves. It was in the oven by 06.30 and baked by about four hours later. Not a hint of burnt cake in sight.

I had a little doze in the morning and was too bone idle to get off my bottom to wrap presents. I’m running out of time.

H and I had a short walk because it was very chilly. And then it even started to rain. The rain did not amount to much but it was unwelcome. There was one of those skies. Blue/ black in one direction by and just sunny blue in the other.

I’m not really sure what the afternoon brought… I made some marzipan . Then I read you had to put it on the cake and leave it to air- dry for 24 hours before icing it. Hmm… bit of a problem that, time wise. Perhaps it had better be a New Year cake. Alex was to be the decoration architect.

This problem was troubling me as I went to bed. So I created more icing sugar kitchen chaos and put the marzipan on the cake so it could air dry for a few hours. Then I noticed the cake might be a bit over baked. Oh bother.

I still have the dreaded wrapping to do.

Perhaps I had better get up and get on with it.

Thought for the day






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