Got there!

Almost no more needles thank goodness.

I spent much of Wednesday thinking it was Sunday and being relieved it was not Sunday, and most of today thinking it was Friday and being grateful that it was.

I was up and choring quite early. I got slightly ahead of myself sorting Peter and Freda’s Christmas gift so I could pass it on to Martin and Demise to take up to Leeds. Or perhaps that is Denise. They are staying at the Illis.

It was a fiddly old morning.

I opened various items in the cardboard collection that was blocking the hallway and was thus ensuring I would become a crisp in the event of a fire.
I removed the precious package contents and created a new, lighter-weight cardboard mountain. This was eventually removed to the recycling bin.

I spent a while clearing away my artist’s studio clutter and it is now a packaging department, or will be soon. It’s all just waiting for staff to get on with it!

Heidi and I went on a tour of South Oxfordshire via the Imma Bakery. Luckily I arrived so late, there were few items left to purchase.

I posted a few Christmas cards and then H and I took a walk round Cholsey Meadows. It was sultry, breezy and chilly. Quite unpleasant really but the paddler still paddled.

By now, hunger was taking over so I had some very late lunch and a little snooze.

I then decided to watch some TV. I should really have joined the packaging department but it was closed for the remainder of the day.

Sitting down without needles, I felt a bit like a smoker must feel without a cigarette in hand. Sort of cold Turkey I suppose.

I had been I noting Waking the Dead but came upon a series called Bodies. A quirky medical drama made around 20 years ago. BBC3. I started to enjoy it and the credits revealed it to be the work of Jed Mercurio of Line of Duty fame. I am quite hooked. It is fairly unpredictable in the way things pan out. I’m glad not to be in that hospital, whether it has 3 stars or not.

Tomorrow, I shall join the extended family for an evening jolly for which I must prepare a desert. It’s in the planning stage.

Thought for the Day






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