Contact made

Posted late.

Another similar night to recent ones past. However, I awoke late, even missing the racket the bin men make as they pass by, which is usually around 07.00.

But I moved quite quickly once I was awake. And I took H out for a short walk round the local Rec because I needed to be out and about. It was a decent, sunny morning with the moon keeping an eye on things. However the night had been wet and the ground was soggy.

As I was flipping through Facebook, I came across Anna, daughter of an ex Kingsclere and Compton colleague and friend of mine. I had been trying to make contact with her mother over the last year, but emails had bounced back at me. And looking at Compton primary staff list, it was clear her mum was no longer listed as a staff member. So my efforts had stalled.

But I was stunned, looking at Anna’s Facebook posts to discover her father had died of cancer. When – I know not. But Peter, despite some health issues, was a lovely man – kind and helpful where help was needed. He and Tr had run an AI business which they sold up, just in time, before the recession set in. That’s artificial insemination as opposed to artificial intelligence. Cattle stuff. Peter had carried on working in that until other problems set in. In the meantime, Tr trained as a teacher and joined me in Kingsclere as an NQT around 2003. A mature one. A crazy one.
We worked together for several years and then she was a provider of part term work to me at Compton for a few years until around 2017.

Via Anna, we are now in contact again and plan to meet in February. Tr now lives somewhere in Gloucestershire but has a house move to make next month.

I had to take Alex to Goring station , and Fleur came along for the ride and a free brekkie with me at Pierreponts. How they make mushrooms on toast so delicious, I would like to know.
Next up was a haircut which has left me a good deal shorter and chillier. Today it was cold outside.

Then I came home to more craft stuff and to await a booked follow-up medical appointment phone call from my kidney surgeon. That was on time and took around two minutes. He wants me to have a scan in the new year to check up on my insides.

I had managed to keep awake – so had my lunch after it at around 16.00. One thing led to another …

And the day motored to an end. I watched the pilot for Waking the Dead – the series is an old one but new to me. Be of the female actors was a bit shouty. I quite enjoyed it though I might criticise the acting.

Thought for the Day






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