Another Day

Another difficult night succeeded by another pleasantish day during which I largely kept myself to myself. Quite a successful day.

The day itself was the usual misery of grey skies and some annoying winds.

I had an early request to see if I could help out with Minnie . So, after an initial dose of chores, I took the girls out round the larger of the Cholsey Meadows. There were quite a few other dog walkers around and about. It was like Piccadilly Circus upon our return to the car, by the gate.

I returned Minnie home, or tried to, but was held up by a grab lorry up the Coombe. This was grabbing dirt and piling it into a big skip or similar in the back of the lorry. If the builders employed a boy with a barrow, it would take a long time to get rid of the rubble, but drivers would not be inconvenienced. And several were. One even gave up altogether. Another man strode onto the property to accost the workers onsite.

I paid another visit to Lidl because I couldn’t get anywhere near Waitrose due to cats cluttering the car park. Or maybe cars were the problem. Lidl is really impressive at the moment as it continues with its improvements. Their range has increased massively. It’s just their reliability …And the car park was far from full.

I returned home for more Christmas preps and lunch and one thing led to another. The evening was quite a lovely affair during which I was foing nothing much apart from watching an interesting film on Prime.

In the absence of anything if interest on TV, I watched a very good film called Maudie about a Canadian folk artist – Maud Lewis, who was severely disabled by arthritis at a young age. She lived in poverty … with a husband who could be abusive but with whom she developed a relationship of sorts.

Two reviews criticised the music but I can’t say I noticed it was intrusive.

Thought for the Day






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