Another full and miserable day dawned. But it cleared up and there was blue sky and sunshine to be seen later in the morning. But not for me to enjoy because I was being angelic. Not a quality I possess, but an art focus in my half day workshop.
I felt very tired when I woke up, but managed to get H out and about because I needed to give her some exercise before I abandoned her for the morning.
Angels was interesting – our basic Angel was traced, mainly due to time constraints. And then we explored using tonal values to paint in her robes etc. My effort was not entirely successful.
Rosie had her sidekick with her today so I was ignored, not really deliberately. Of course the sidekick was unaware that she was excluding me from a developing acquaintance.
However the lovely Sarah was present and we had been seated neighbours on various previous courses, but she has been absent recently. The ‘teacher’ Sarah, a resident of one of the Basildons. She brought one of her daughters with her (doing an MSc). This daughter was a star Angel painter… having done A Level Art probably had something to do with it. I was not a star today. And I ran out of time. If nothing else, I’ve learnt about painting folds and drapes.
She is still not finished.

Another very youngish lady, Natalia, from the
three day course, was also present. A perfectly pleasant person. Amongst the 13 others. Also pleasant people.
But, there was a strange event on the way home from Ipsden along one of the single track roads involving Natalia.
She had been picked up and was being driven away by someone, a couple of cars ahead of me.
Her car pulled over onto the side of the single track roads, and since there was only a distant car and more passing spaces ahead, having waited for her car not to move, I pulled past it. Whereupon it hooted me loudly. Puzzled, I continued to the next passing place to allow the approaching car to drive past.
Then Natalia’s car pursued me flashing its headlights on and off. This is always worrying – I checked my dashboard and there appeared to be no door open or flat tyre or over-active / uncancelled indicator. Etc
I had had enough of this distracting flashing behaviour so I pulled over to let Natalia and chauffeur pass. But they did not. The car sat just behind me blocking the road. I used my arm to beckon it past. I really had had enough of this driver’s stupidity. It was now holding up another motorist.
My window was down, and Natalia’s car had to move past due to the motorist behind them.
I can only conclude they must have thought that my car contained someone else, someone they knew perhaps. Or maybe they thought it was a friend’s car. Because she apologised and ‘So sorry, I didn’t think it was you!’ And the driver, who was an old bloke, muttered a similar message.
It was a dangerous and upsetting incident. I was quite annoyed.
I returned via Lidl, which is now more accessible, because the road works have gone.
H only seemed quite pleased to see me but we muddled along together for the rest of the day. I managed to keep awake for the Strictly final when my tiredness turned into a doze. It was amazing. I would have been happy with any of the four to win.
Eleanor suggested I watch Michael Macintyre’s 25th anniversary stand up routine on catch up. And I can see why… kidney stones and stents featured, amongst other things, only he had one with a string…
It’s worth a watch for the wine and silent letters chat, but for me the kidney stones part was the star. The male point of view. And then there was the urinal bit. All good clean fun, MM manages to avoid the more unpleasant innuendo stuff .
I knew that my late doze would interfere with the night to come. It has.
I must tackle Christmas decorations tomorrow and I may have to taxi Fleur to or from Abingdon at some point.
Thought for the Day

I could have drawn these angels above !

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