13th December

A year on. Thanks T. I miss you.

The day started at the usual sort of time that my days do. But then I fell asleep again and awoke somewhat later.
I was due to gather up Pen from Ali’s around 10.00, which I did. She took Minnie and Heidi through the woods to the top of Streatley Hill and we met on Lardon Chase. The weather was awful – a dull, damp day, hidden amongst low cloud or fog. Too thick to be mist.

Visibility on Lardon was limited, with cows looming out of the mist. I walked ahead of Pen, who was catching up from the Holies. I clutched some cyclamen that she was planning to insert into some discrete part of the area where T lies these days.

A breeze persuaded some of the cloud to drift out of the way and we were able to see further into the distance. Almost as though T was issuing the command.

Pen and I had lunch booked at the Beetle. We had chosen to eat in the bar area near the fire. We were seated not quite as close to the fire as Pen would have liked, but close enough. The food was delicious … wonderful cod for me, with a herb crust on some sort of barley risotto cream sauce. Yum! And a heavenly pudding too.

It was soothing sitting by the river, with the warmth of the fire, the former was quite self contained at this point. Though a bit grubby, brown, and fast moving. A bit like 5 Little Pigs yesterday, I was surprised there were not more people there. Busy enough, yes, but calmer than I might have expected.

Later, the cherry on the cake was our visit to the house at Basildon Park. It is 4 years since I went inside the house. It is stunning and beautifully decorated for Christmas. The theme being different films for the different rooms. Not that I could identify them.

The last picture was taken from a room full of sketches and other works used in the reconstruction of Coventry Cathedral. By Graham Sutherland .

Next, I picked up H an dropped Pen off at the Illis and came home for a little down time. And no, I did not fall asleep. And then returned there later for a great curry. Thank you Dave. I was under strict instructions to go to bed straight away. So I did. No snoozing in the chair tonight.

Thought for the Day

I’m glad that is all over. Roll on next week.

Art workshop tomorrow – a half day one. Painting angels .






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