A reasonable night again if you don’t mind waking up at some silly o’clock. But an early cup of coffee ensured that I returned back to sleep for a couple of hours, waking much later.
I didn’t have time to enjoy a lie around because I needed to do ‘stuff’ and then get H out for a walk.
It was another dull, damp day without anything to recommend it. Apart from the lunch out that I would enjoy later in the day.
H and I wandered at Cholsey, where the rain had stopped but it was chilly. And a bit slippery. I enjoyed a pleasant conversation with a (much) younger lady who was walking three dogs of various shapes and sizes on identical leads.
She had moved into one of the nearby houses and was walking these three dogs, from Bulgaria, on only their third day in the U.K. Apparently she used to work at a dog rescue place in Bulgaria. An interesting lady.
My route to our lunch venue in Cold Ash was not straight forward, thanks to another of these unexpected road closures, but I was not seriously delayed. The Spotted Dog was an excellent venue and the food was delicious. It was great to see the full group of carers and ex carers all together.
Anthony is looking much more frail and Marie has a difficult time, though he still oozes charm. There is less oozing nowadays. I think he is finding the oozing harder. I suppose when you are 90 everything gets harder.
I watched two really wonderful films this evening – completely different in character.
‘23 Walks’ about a two 60 year olds who meet walking their dogs and how their relationship develops. Sad, pathos, humour… and Alison Steadman. It has it all.
‘Mrs Lowry and Son’ with Timothy Spall and Vanessa Redgrave. Great viewing. LS Lowry was dominated by, and devoted to, his mother and only after her death began to be recognised for the artist he was.
Thought for the Day
Chris’ dog, Skinny, is going to a new home in the U.K. Skinny has developed an affection for a British lady and her dog who are staying at Grammeno, but returning soon. I feel very happy for Skinny but quite sad too.
Back in 2019, when Skinny was a stray living around the beach, Chris came to the U.K. at Easter. The moment he was back in Greece, he acquired and cared for Skinny, who was a bit of a Houdini .
He’s a beautiful tall Cretan hunting dog. He took a while to settle to Grammeno ‘regulations’ discovering he could get himself over the fences. But I will NEVER forget the look in his eyes and the twitch in his nose as he looked up towards the hills. He is also a very gentle sweet dog. He will be missed.

Autumn 2022 I think .
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