Well almost calm; I thought it was completely so until I went outside… But there was still quite a vicious chilly breeze. And the usual rain.
Monday morning always brings a host of puzzles, including special weekly ones, that require more brain strain. Today went well apart from the Waffle Special which was a step too far. Solved yes , but not in regulation 25 goes.
I needed to be off and out with H at an earlyish time. Later, I was heading for Duns Tew right in the north of the county. Almost an hour away by car. Oxfordshire is long and narrow from N to S.
So H and I wandered at Streatley Rec in the hoping of keeping my feet dry and unmuddied. I could see flooding in distant fields, which means the Thames Path will not be walkable in our area. In any case there was no way you could access it at Goring, a few days ago.

I dropped H at home and retrieved my flighty table top cover from Wendy, who had been handed it by Andrew.
And then I set off to Neal and Anne’s via the A34, always a risk as there are daily accidents somewhere along its length. Today’s accident was on the southern carriageway just past the Hinksey junction. Luckily it did not affect my journey. But it certainly affected any southbound traffic.

This was a spectacular jackknife by the lorry. It had included at least one car in its pirouette. And there were numerous fire engines, police cars and ambulances in attendance. As for the queuing traffic… miles of it. Some drivers had obviously been notified of the delays because there was a very very long queue, by a slip road, formed by drivers wishing to escape altogether. Later, I heard the A34 S was closed altogether. Helpful for my journey home.
I was on time for Duns Tew, which is entirely unusual, or even unheard of, because the A34 usually dishes ME up some horror or other. It really is a very pretty village in stone. And Neal and Anne served up a great meal and we caught up on family matters. And other news.
My return journey served up a surprise – it was trouble free and the hold ups of earlier had been removed. There were apparently only two vehicles involved so the incident was not as serious as it had seemed at the time. Retrospect held the truth.
H was very pleased to see me. Dave came over and dragged a few more Christmas things down from the loft. I will allow Sharon to clean on Thursday and then put up my decorations. Tuesday is busy anyway.
Another lunch out with my carer friends, although only two of us still retain that status. I’ve also invited most of them over for a post-Christmas gathering here. 28/12. Val hosted last year and it was very pleasant.
Anne’s sister, Mary, in NZ, is now on end of life care . It’s the same story that I’ve experienced so often recently … cancer, treatment, vain hope, progress of the disease, and then timing of death. But she has milked an extra, unexpected year out of it.
Need to be more cheerful!
Thought for the Day

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