It was another of those nights that fit my current pattern. I couldn’t hear much of the continuing storm outside. But it was going on, because before I went to bed, although I couldn’t hear much, I could see that my winter greenhouse had migrated to be pest pals with the garden shed.. Doh! That was extremely annoying.
The wind was still blowing strong when I opened the back door and felt the full force of the elements.
I was really looking forward to reassembling the winter greenhouse although first views indicated it had more or less maintained its structure.

I gathered it up, or tried to, and then realised it had yoked itself to the redundant wheel barrow wheel just as if it was harnessed like a plough. With determination, I separated these two lovers and dragged the winter greenhouse back up the garden. The plants it had been sheltering were looking in good health and were in situ despite their protector having wandered off.
Some rearranging was required and I got the greenhouse back into situ and carefully weighted down the frame with some heavy items.

Phew! That was quite exhausting. Once I recovered, I prepped H for her walk at Cholsey in wild, wet, windy conditions. We managed to keep dry and avoided being blown over, despite very strong gusts.
On the way out to the car, I found next door neighbour, Andrew in his front garden constructing their Christmas light display. He had only just begun and was minded that he needed something vital that he had put in a safe place. We all know about safe places, dont we?
After the walk, which was not long, I wanted fish pie for lunch, which required a trip to a shop. I put Lidl at the top of the list but the road to it was closed at Hithercroft (roadworks). So that necessitated a wider detour. Lidl had all I wanted and someone has cleverly reorganised the whole shop and bought new chilled and freezer display cases. That presented a challenge because I had to hunt out my shopping. But that is a common adversity in Lidl.
It was back to the car and home again.
Andrew was still busy in his front garden, but had made excellent progress. I am always happy when their Christmas display is up and running. I feel it illuminates us too.
I then had to prepare annd eat my shopping. The fish pie was excellent. And I may have fallen asleep.
When I awoke I had to check out the winter greenhouse so I was pleased to see it was where I had last placed it. The wind hade been strong and buffeting all day.
Not long after, next door’s Christmas display was busy being bright and sparkly.
I had a revived text message from Tracey to say Andrew had found my table cover in the alleyway but had not been listening when she told him I had lost one. Wendy apparently had it so I will have to woman-up and ask for it back.
Late this evening, I received a sad text from Anne (in NZ) and a forwarded email from Ken to say Mary has deteriorated sharply in the last few days and will not be with us for much longer. This is becoming an increasingly familiar and repeated story these days. Especially this week – a year on since T died. I will for ever remember the week Ken and Mary spent in Palaiochora, a few years ago, in that posh hotel.
I have a very full diary this coming week – out today and tomorrow. Thursday and Friday – out too, and some remembering to do.
Today I am visiting Neal and Anne. It is fitting – Neal and T shared rooms in Cambridge for 3 years and Neal was our best man.
Thought for the Day
From Frankie a year ago, via Sirius Black in Harry Potter:
“Those who love us, never truly leave us.” (…You can always find them in here …)
I now understand the truth in that.
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