I was awake at a stupid time again – probably due to the chair doze that preceded my getting into bed.
Early in the day, the sky was blue, washed clean by the terrible weather the previous evening. But storm Darragh is on the horizon, heading towards the West Country, Wales being its main target. 90mph winds are forecast for Welsh Coasts. On balance, it is probably a good thing that I am not there now. Bert was bad enough. I was worried the way the car wobbled in the wind then.
I dealt with the usual current chores before taking H out for a walk. Because I knew the ground would be soaking, I headed for Streatley Rec and the meadow alongside it. The grass was well trodden but not much of it was muddy. And H seemed to find plenty of interest.
I was slightly niggled by the presence of a personal trainer and his outdoor group (of would-be-perfect male physiques) on the Rec itself. Well they didn’t bother me – good for them all this exercise.
But their cars bothered me because there was only one remaining tiny squeezy space left for my car. I’ve never known that before.
However … the fitness group had parked their cars with no consideration, leaving huge spaces between them. I considered pointing this out, but decided there was probably not much point in trying to educate idiots with would-be-perfect male physiques, with imperfections in the cranial areas. Their brains were clearly elsewhere . AWOL.

Since I parked, one space has opened up between the cars that all needed a space and a half per car.

Above – Looking up towards Lardon Chase where T lies.
I came home, had lunch, organised a car service and first MOT (in January) and sorted out a week boarding for H next Easter. Ali will have her for the second week because schools are back.
I watched a previous series of Shetland in iPlayer .
Fleur’s meiosis is now at 1.3m views as of late this afternoon. The Germans are showing great interest.

Wallingford has featured on South Today in as much as it is home to some very important research lab into Tsunamis.

Thought for the Day

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