Goose Chase in the Extreme Wild

Now … does the original phrase derive from chasing a wild / undomesticated goose, or from chasing a goose that is out in a wild location. The former I think. I was involved in the latter this evening.

I did not sleep particularly well and was awake quite early as usual. H had a complete meltdown in the night involving some barking and a lot of growling. The reason was unclear, but I was relieved to find my car was still on the drive in the morning. This outbreak from H is very rare; luckily it did not las
The daylight brought grey and unpleasant skies. We were promised wind in the afternoon, but it arrived after dark, bringing with it heavy showery rain, flooded roads and blustery conditions. The bluster scattered the rain making it altogether more perilous.

I busied myself with chores and other jobs. The tumble dryer seems to be on the blink – it stops after a couple of minutes and a strange light is illuminated which is not listed online. I suspect it is to do with all the fluff it contains. Finding the handbook might help.

So the washing is adorning an old fashioned clothes airer. It is drying quite nicely. There were minor achievements during the morning. H and I went walkies around midday when it was trying to rain but not windy.

I visited Tesco Express in Cholsey for some potatoes and bread and a few veg. This Tesco has no parking, it is all roadside. And the roadsides are entirely adorned by double yellow lines. Today, I noticed they have been repainted in bright colours, no missing them.

But they were obviously painted to be ignored because that’s what the residents if Cholsey do. Disregard them. And I do not blame them. I joined the happy band of naughty parkers. One of these days there will be a parking official around who will make a killing.

And I then fed myself and prepared a hot dish for later this evening.

This was necessary because I was scheduled to chauffeur George to Oxford Hawks Hockey Club this evening, and then sit and wait for two hours whilst he trained and then drive him home again.

I picked him up at 17.45 and we were off on the 50 minute drive.By now the blustery rain had arrived. And the wind with it. Visibility was nonexistent at times. Poodles lined the sides of the roads. Headlights dazzled and life was generally difficult. The evening stretched interminably ahead and it was not pleasant.

The A34 was pretty much the same – stretching unpleasantly and interminably ahead. Only I couldn’t really see where we were going, unless there was an interval in the rain. About 23 miles along the route, when we were but 11 minutes from our destination, we were messaged that training was cancelled. This was due to poodles on the pitch.

So I asked G to reset the Satnav for home. Wondering how the dickens we were going to turn around, we came upon the Botley Interchange. So the slip road allowed us to use the roundabout to change direction, and around 50 minutes later, I dropped G back at home! Very thankful we were too.

it was wild out there as we chased the goose.

I reheated my shepherds pie and drifted off… it was nearly 22.00 by now.
I really need to get myself into bed before the drift off. When I analyse it, I realise I wake early thanks to the sleep hours I have in the chair! It’s annoying. I get myself into my nightie and ready for bed, doze off, wake up then have to wake myself up more so I can let H off, turn lights off etc etc.

Thought for the Day






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