I forgot the barbed wire. (aka ‘BBC airbed’ offered by the incompetent Typo Police)
I’ve had a nice peaceful day which involved painting, a two-dog walk, a snooze, and returning G’s shoes that he left in my car last night.
The day arrived hinting at miserable weather, and I scrabbled around to get myself a restorative cup of coffee.
I then spent a couple of hours transforming my painting from this …

to this …

to this …

Complete with barbed wire which I had forgotten.
I sent a photo off for transformation into cards. But one that had no barbed wire.
That’s my achievement. Fleur, however, has now had 300k + views on her post and has started up a new one.
Once sorted, I needed a break so organised the rubbish for refuse technicians tomorrow and then swapped G’s shoes for Minnie who joined us on our walk at Cholsey.G’s shoes are huge. But then, so is Minnie, and I’m told she is small for a Labrador.
It stayed dry . And Minnie dashed around and H strolled. Both dogs were extremely interested in the molehills. I try to avoid the ponds and the river when Minnie walks with us, so I often walk through the drier meadows . In this particular one, there is a water trough, one which has a friend – a muddy puddle. Minnie never fails to splash around in the puddle.

I am wondering if this is a special box for owls , or maybe ostriches.

Knock, knock brought no answer. I quite often hear owls at night in Moulsford. But this is Cholsey. I love the sound of owls – they used to be really lively at BV.
I returned Minnie and ate food which sent me to sleep and kept me going until bedtime. I pondered a sandwich but could not be bothered.
Shetland had kept me occupied during some of the evening. I’ve never managed to follow Shetland in the past but I’m enjoying this series. And Miranda relaxed me.
Thought for the Day

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