I enjoyed a reasonable night with the usual silly wake up time.
I didn’t lie around too long because I wanted to get on with today’s painting – a composite picture incorporating what I have learnt about snow scenes, composition, colour and triads, tonal values and a local landmark. Not forgetting sheeps. Maybe, if I’m lucky. It requires thought.
So bad, so far …

I set about my painting and it absorbed me for quite a while until the alarm went off to remind me to take H out. She had to have a walk right there and then because I was meeting Brenda for lunch at a place where dogs are only welcome if outside. So we made it to Cholsey Meadows. And back.
Today was not a day to sit outside. It was very chilly although the skies were quite bright. We met at Hampstead Norreys Community Shop which produces really tasty food. I always go for the quiche (mushroom today) and a selection of different salads. All very tasty.
Brenda and I enjoyed a good chat. Quite a long chat. Various obvious issues arose: Trump, Wallace and Strictly, so we sorted them out. And we are both looking forward to our Carer’s Christmas Lunch in a week’s time. The dreaded one is promising to be there.
Last year the lunch was held the day after T died so I was not there. The weeks are marching on. Next week will mark the passing of a year since he left us. I’m still trying to work out how I will feel.
Moving on, to today once more, I had G to take to Wallingford for Hockey practice and thence to Woodcote for football practice. This was all a bit of a palaver and his shoes are apparently abandoned in my car. What a great young man he is becoming, always asking how I am. And in return he was happy to be able to tell me about his mock results which are good. Great work George.
However, today’s taxi run is nothing compared with what is to come on Thursday when F and G will have run out of parents to ferry them around. No parent is available, and, much as I would like it, I cannot be in Oxford and Marlow at the same time. A problem to resolve. A possible train trip is involved.
Fleur has been busy. This biology mock up for meiosis has gone viral for Fleur on social media with over 100k views so far and over 7k likes…in just a few hours .

She had to send me a separate explanation … old lady’s brain etc.
As for the Devon pair. I hope Frankie gets back to London OK and by last weekend, Evie had apparently used over a tank of fuel exercising her new found driving freedom.
Thought for the Day
For those of you with a brain like mine …an explanation
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