i may have misread a headline…
It was pouring with rain when I woke up. But it was not cold, though forecast to get much colder during the day.
I didn’t really do that much today unless you count loading the dish washer and then the washing machine, tipping out the rubbish, considering the leaves and poodles in the garden. A few Christmas bits and pieces and some communication items.
I did spend a while planning a composite picture, drawing together various items and skills I have learnt in my art workshops. Using tone, colour and composition and repositioning things. Planning …
The rain was forecast to stop and did not. But then it did. H and I set off for Cholsey Meadows where our walk was not long but was quite enjoyable. Or so I thought, but I’m not sure H agreed, because I experienced a bit of dumb insolence on the way back to the car. A sit down strike on H’s part, so I had to go and retrieve her. But hey, the rain had stopped and we had blue sky and sunshine. Memo to self: charge up collar and control gun.
I multi- tasked whilst watching Moonflower Murders, with the wonderful Leslie Manville. She is popping up everywhere these days. The Atticus Punt stories are quite compelling but I have to watch most episodes twice so I can unravel the story and more fully understand what is going on. Tiny brain and all that.
I misread the screenshot below…

For some reason I misread the headline above as:
STARMER REJECTS TRUMP’S FALSE TEETH … REALLY? It’s going to be a bumpy 4 years – when Trump can pardon himself of all his own criminality. And criticise Biden for pardoning his son for his misdeeds. Easily as bad an action.
And then there is Grovelling Greg, trying to crawl out of his personal sewer…
Thought for the Day
Not a lot of thinking done today apart from the planning!
Somehow I shall combine these yhree pictures and use what I have learnt about triads, composition and tone. In watercolour. Watch this space …

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