Frankie is 21 years old

Happy 21 years old today to Frankie. I hope you have had a fabulous day.

Frankie wearing my family heirloom – my charm bracelet- my gift to her. And below: with Evie and Martha.

I did not sleep well. I don’t know why, but I was awake too early once again. Consequently I awoke feeling tired, but knew I was not allowed a lie in.

Today, as Frankie turns 21 years old, the weather is the same, as the day she was born, wet and miserable. Some things don’t change!

I did not have time to make up for lost sleep before taking H over to the Illis for a play date with Minnie, the idea being that Dave would walk them both. The dogs would be company for each other in the absence of myself ( art workshop) and others ( hockey).

The art workshop was based on colour theory. It was quite intense and I learned a lot. We were introduced to the theory behind secondary and tertiary colours and experimented with painting using triads. That is to say, triads and complimentary colours and mixing neutrals, using triads was all very interesting. As usual , we carried out several studies before producing a final picture. It did not go entirely to plan.

Although we were using watercolour, I can look back on some of the acrylic pics I have painted and can see why I was not happy with the colours in them.

Denny is a tremendously good teacher. I now have a much better understanding of watercolour. And she commented in her critique upon how much I had improved and developed. She probably had to say this because I’ve provided much of her bread and butter this year.

I felt sad these three days have come to an end. But I have a couple of further half day workshops to attend. And there may be more that she is busy dreaming up that will be of interest.

I returned to the Illis to pick up two dogs. Minnie is at mine because Fleur is entertaining some teenage friends for a party, and Minnie likes to be the centre of attention at parties. So she is in a very party-free zone chez moi.

Dave called round to pick up some of their garden furniture cushions because F and fiends may sit around their fire pit and will expect to be comfortable.

I fell upon the final remains of my take away curry for my evening meal. It was still good a day or two later. And settled to watch Strictly before dozing . Minnie and H have been calm and quiet.

As have I.

Thought for the Day






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