I had dozed off in the chair last night which led to a bit of a patchy night with awakening at some really silly o’clock.
Once daylight approached, I could see there was quite thick fog outside and a white covering on the grass. Ha! -2°C. Chilly then. H agreed, showing no interest in the great outdoors.
Mind you, her skin must be pretty thick because she ignored the purpose of last night’s invitation to the great outdoors and lay down on the patio. Literally! Ouch! Should have been like lying on an ice rink. All that fluff must have helped.
H has an interesting relationship with the underfloor heating. I don’t think it’s her friend.
Sharon was due to clear up after me – around 11.30 usually.
So I got on with various chores, I’m not one who cleans up for the cleaner , but there were a few things even I, in best slut mode, could not leave for her.
I also wrapped up the birthday heirloom for Frankie and her 21st birthday, and even stuck a card in there. Unlike me to be efficient! Fleur has only just received her birthday money from September. And DCR is still awaiting his August present. But it is ALL under control at last.
I had a message from Sharon indicating she had a gas problem which meant she would come tomorrow instead. That quite suited me.
So the heirloom, H and I dashed off to Cholsey Post Office, intent on getting there before it closed for lunch. Cholsey is top location for a post office and a pharmacy. A pharmacy that has what you want. And a post office that is actually operating.
But matters were not going my way…Cholsey PO is situated in Tesco Express. And Tesco Express has no parking. And is mostly surrounded by double yellows apart from a 3 car lay by on the opposite side of the road by the pharmacy. Between the bin lorry, which was collecting Tesco’s recycling, and the Tesco delivery lorry, and the double yellows, getting out of the car and into the PO was no easy matter. It required 3 trips round the block before a white van man created a space by conveniently departing.
The cost of a tracked parcel was grievous. Very grievous.
H and I had a chilly walk at Cholsey Meadows. My painful ankle had taken me by surprise at the Post Office. Painful surprise that is. I’ve noticed, of late, that it is less painful if I’m barefoot. But today did not lend itself to a barefoot post office visit. Not that any day does.
BUT, yesterday I had tottered with H for a walk, ignoring the ankle agony, whereas today, by walkie time, it had mysteriously and largely evaporated. Odd that. Given that ten minutes earlier at the PO, the usual pain was present. Had to be a bonus.
As we walked, the ponds looked spooky and the sun tried to break through what had been quite dense fog.

I returned home and chored on, and achieved an achievement.
Then lunch. Then a predictable snooze. Then more achievement .
Thought for the Day

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