
I had a bit of a tricky night because I kept thinking I was going to fall out of bed! Doh! A single room like this is great, but a single bed not so… even though I sleep on a single bed at home, it is pushed up against another so not really a single. And I spread out!

When I took H out, the chill took my breath away. My eyes streamed. H performed quite quickly so we were swiftly back inside and I was on my way to brekkie. The last two days I have started with a delicious plateful of melon, prunes and mixed berries. I love melon – when someone else has chopped it up. Then eggs etc follow.

There were vicious winds to change the temperature from 5C to feels like -5C. The sea was very turbulent and high tide would be in a couple of hours so not a day for the beach. We went up to the Dysynni and had a very showery walk across a field or two . A very cold showery walk. Thank goodness for the dry robe.

The picture below shows a sunny close up of the quarry where our ears used to be battered by the sounds of blasting. I think it’s time is done. Although there are some bits of heavy plant there.

After the walk I decided to seek shelter in the hotel so H and I sat a while in the doggy lounge, admiring the sea. Or at least I admired it from the safety of the warmth.

And that’s a treacherously deceptive picture.

I thought I might take a snooze but had a swim instead, just as darkness was falling. There was an intruder in the spa. I wonder if he had a swim first or was just after the soothing bubbles.
My swim was very pleasant. All the better for finding the swimsuit spinner . Yesterday I had forgotten a plastic bag for my costume, and had to stuff it in a zippy bag that was too small, whilst trying to stop the drips from escaping.

H and I took another short wander in the dark before going for my evening meal. H will need another wee opp before I get ready for bed.

My evening meal was another very delicious event. I don’t think I can keep this up for much longer!
I returned upstairs so as to be company for little H. And fell asleep and then had to wake up enough for H’s last wee trip. Luckily the weather is not conducive to hanging around, and she does not.

The hotel was quieter this evening than it has been. Apparently this coming weekend is quite quiet. Home on Sunday…the advised route is due east via Birmingham (!) or Gloucester. This would mean missing the mountain route. But the forecast is for heavy rain so I probably would not see much. If today turns out bright (not in the forecast) we could head there.

Thought for the Day


Near Dylife. I now know it’s pronounced Delivvy…. A local tells me.

I expect this was what Plynlimon looked like a few days ago.
Places I will miss seeing.






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