It has been a glorious sunny day and Wales was on its best behaviour- everywhere I went was beautiful. The only pain was the tide was high late morning, which was a bit inconvenient for our beach walk. There are ways round it, but H was being a bit untrustworthy. Slow to respond. Too many great smells to explore amongst the detritus. Though Tywyn beach and the sea looked very pristine.
Back to the previous night, when I made the usual mistake of falling asleep too early so I woke up too early. I waited until about 06.00 and made a coffee.
Soon after 07.00, I took H out, intending to pick up my new boots from the car (along with my bank breaking hat). However it is helpful to take the carkeys with you and I had left them in the room. So that went on the list for later.
Blue skies prevailed, so when I found the beach at Tywyn covered by sea, we had a short walk along the prom, but H had to be on the lead for that.
Because the weather was so good, I decided to visit various old haunts in the sun, rather than in the miserable weather forecast for the next two days.
Tywyn beach this morning and later in the day :

You can just see Snowdon in the photo above.
These ones below are of Lake Talyllyn.

The ones below are taken from near the Dysynni looking towards Bird Rock and Talyllyn .

I think that’s Cader Idris on the left. And the shoulder coming towards Bird Rock might be where the Pony Path is. Above.

The F15s were out and about when we were in Machynlleth yesterday. The shoe shop man named them.

The weather changed this afternoon.
We toured to Talyllyn, Corris craft centre where everything was shut till next March, apart from the local Gin distillery and the cafe. Back to Dolgellau which has not changed and is all squashed up in the centre. ( Someone in the hotel made the same comment this evening ) We passed Fairbourne, the village which is slowly surrendering itself to the sea.
Unfortunately, I missed the turn to Penmaenpool where I wanted to watch the landscape change in the Mawddach Estuary, and was unable to turn round.
Our walks were several and short so not really very satisfactory, so I shall have to time things better tomorrow. But H was well pleased to find some sand to roll on, clean tide washed sand.

Once back at the hotel, I decided to investigate the pool. The hotel is perched high above the road via steep slopes, and one such led down to the pool. Returning to my room was going to be fun. The pool was empty except for me, and very nice to swim in. I think it is about 15m long and decent depths. There is also a hot tub/ jacuzzi.
So now I’m relaxing in our room, trying not to fall asleep. Before dinner.
I will have a different waitress this evening, but the one I’ve had so far will be back tomorrow . She reminded me of Evie who must be carrying out similar duties with similar patter in Sidmouth. I’m hungry and service is 90 minutes away. That’s what happens if I skip lunch.
I might feed H.
Dinner was great. The Yorkshire couple are both ill this evening so their friend was on her own. The waitress has changed sex and nationality into a more taciturn being.
I now know how Scott of the Antarctic must have felt. I’ve just taken H for her last wee. It was a rapid one. Can’t think why.
Thought for the Day
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