WordPress is not allowing me to type into it. This is via Evernote, because I’m on my phone.
Today, I took an early swim. The night had been plagued by heavy rain, the first in a while and there were poodles everywhere. There was also a low lying and heavy mist which created spooky landscapes as I drove, via Wallingford, to Didcot. I wished I could have caught it on camera.
The swim started off alright with only 3 of us in the slow lane. Unfortunately, one was the lady in blue who continued to be extremely annoying. My friendly acquaintance, who appeared a little later, had remarked that she lacks awareness. I would add intelligence to that.
The lady in blue even tries to be friendly as she waits for me to arrive, says hello and then pushes off directly in front of me. She is hard to overtake despite causing a hold up. I do not want to be her friend.
Tina was ploughing up and down in the shallows, when I later enquired why she swims there, it’s a historic reason based on unpleasantness in her youth.
Unfortunately, the teeming pond life arrived to clutter the lane- I’ve never seen so many in there – over 12 creatures. Mostly in a big traffic jam behind the lady in blue. Apart from a lady in a darker hue of blue who kept trying to queue jump. I gave up and exited.
I headed off to the monthly swimmers’ brekkie at Root One which I usually enjoy. But not today. I was utterly dismayed to discover that Anne must have added the lady in blue to the group. It was the first time I had seen her there. Her conversation appeared to confirm that lack of awareness. And that is me being polite.
Time to leave early, and sort Heidi out back at home. I sorted a few things out with the Welsh trip in mind and watered the patio with Jeyes fluid in an attempt to clean it up. That proved to be a waste of time and money, though the new yard brush did its job. Root One has its uses.
Next I set off for Goring surgery to pick up some tablets that the dispensing machine had failed to release on Saturday. It was having a major sulk.
I could not believe it when I came across a ROAD CLOSED sign applying to Goring and Streatley High Street. AGAIN? They could not be serious! I chose to ignore it and followed a couple of vehicles to discover I could sneak round to the surgery via the Catherine Wheel. The closure was by the church.
So myself and my tablets, then went to Cholsey Pharmacy with a prescription to pick up the apixaban tablets that the surgery could not obtain. It was closed for lunch.
Perhaps you are getting a picture of an annoying day.
In ten minutes it would be open. So I picked up some items in Tesco Express opposite, and Cholsey Pharmacy was open and quickly produced apixaban.
By now, it was raining quite annoyingly so H and I were a bit damp as we walked the bigger meadow. That has turned into a slippery zone and will have to be avoided until it has dried out a bit.
So back home, I decided to plant up a few bedding plants but the phone rang and my watch was not going to let me chat on it. Covered in soil I retreated within. And stayed there. I’ll have to finish those plants tomorrow morning.
I contemplated the things I needed for my trip away. I also contemplated the weather forecast. Things are not looking good for Wednesday morning when I head through the mountains to Aberdovey. The lower lying route still involves mountains though in a less confrontational way. In fact most of Wales involves mountains. Aberdovey itself is fine. But Tuesday morning is looking worse as far as snow is concerned. But getting to Usk should be fine.
So the final annoyance of the day was WordPress. And I finally copied this across, via the back door route, when WordPress forgot it was not allowing me to access new posts. This morning. ie now. Tuesday morning.
Thought for the Day

Here I come on Wednesday. Those steps are new! But then it’s 22years since I was last there.

My favourite welsh mountain but I will give the summit a miss this time!
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