Culinary Mystery Tour

This is about Friday, posted late.

A good night was passed, on the whole. But I made the usual mess of one of my daily puzzles, once I was awake. Quordle Extreme is the one; It nearly always catches me out.

I searched outside for the sack of dog food I had ordered under the impression it had been delivered but I had misread the email. It had. It had been despatched. But was delivered later in the day.

Numerous phone calls happened, some with Pen who kept getting cut off.

I worked on more crafting anxious to meet a sort of deadline. And then it was time to take little H out, a bit later than I would have wished, around midday. We went to Cholsey where I chatted to a lady with three of the cutest rescue dogs, well two were cute, but the Saluki was too big to be ‘cute’, all from a charity called Tears or similar. Which rehomes dogs from puppy farms. The two small ones were both older than H.

I decided we would then visit Imma Bakery at Stoke Row for one of their sourdough baguettes. Well what a silly billy (daft bugger) I am to assume they would have any left, half an hour before closing time. There were only TWO loaves left, both of them far too massive for one person. A honey loaf and a cheddar and onion. I wasn’t sure that the cheddar and onion would go too well with jam. And honey might double the sugar hit. So I bought a croissant instead.
Imma croissants are like no ordinary croissant, double the size, and then of crispy exterior texture , just like in France.

I was confused at the Bakery because they have changed their entrance into a smart, shiny new spacious, ( from a back door, claustrophobia inducing area) shop entry.

I was not far from Blue Tin so decided to go there in the hope their shop might have some delicacy or other for DCI’s birthday. Blue Tin was equally confusing because they have changed their area too. They have added an extra weather-proof canvas roof to its ramshackle structure which covers their only seating. No inside area at all here.

I grabbed a few items and gave the nice lady the Bishopstone address where Anne and I meet. The nice lady and I were exchanging comments on leafy autumn colours and so my journey last Sunday from Bishopstone got a mention. And so on. Blue Tin set up has some similarities.
New ‘canvas’ protection below.

Whilst I was there, I realised I was not that far from Nettlebed, of the Cheese Factory fame. I haven’t been there or to Blue Tim since T died so that is a year give or take a month. That too has changed! The goodies shop has spilled out into the barn and they have extended their range of goods. But their own cheeses still lead their offerings, and are cheaper than I can buy them locally. They also have a small play area for toddlers.

So that was my last stop on my culinary mystery tour, where I gained some items but lost out on the bread. Luckily, I am still working my way through the massive sourdough loaf I bought when Brenda came last Monday. Again, it was the only one available, but chugs on when retrieved from inside the fridge. Toasted.

H decided it was time to return home to sort some stuff out. Once there, I found I could not get in through the front door, thanks to a large sack of Wagg kibble, amongst other things. So that was dealt with and my goodies unpacked.

I knew I had to avoid watching Children in Need at all costs. Its spirit is utterly admirable but the razzmatazz is deadly. But then I’m the same with November 11th and also Comic/Sport Relief

And there endeth my recollections of Friday.

Thought for the Day






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