The early morning was all a bit of a rush, despite drinking my coffee at the usual early hour. Because I had a busy day ahead, I was up for being active early. Well , no choice really.
So my shower was early, then I decided the early mad rush was a bit excessive and I relaxed back in bed a short while until I decided to waste no more time. Thereupon, I loaded the washing machine and stripped the bed. Not really part of the plan, but since I had time on my side…
I made my sandwiches which I would later take to my art workshop. Once the washing was done, I put it in the tumble drier then gathered together the list of things I needed to take with me. It was only a short list, but I’m afraid lists are necessary these days. Just to be sure, you know.
Next up, I was ready to go, just needed to gather up H for a quick walk around Streatley Rec. Then I dropped her at the Illis for a play date. She was obviously suspicious of my motives, because, although I was only there for a short while around 09.00, she remained glued to me.
I can’t even visit the toilet there without her coming to guard its door. Ali was up and busy cooking, Fleur was preparing herself for hockey and Dave was still in pyjamas. And George was doing revision. Before his match. As you do.
I set off to Ipsden via Goring, because Moulsford had some big event going on, hosted by one of its two posh schools. Traffic was likely to be an issue and I didn’t want to be stuck in a queue. If you have the misfortune to be out and about on the one and only road through the village, at school exit time, there is often a very long, barely moving traffic jam. This drives local residents potty, as moans abound on local social media. These private schools were small many years ago. But now have expanded to around 400 pupils each, whose parents / carers overwhelm the village road.
I arrived at Ipsden early, but so did a load of other people.
My workshop was really excellent. It started with a critique of our homework. Most people had done some-think back to all those mono-tonal studies I did.
Today, the focus was composition and I learnt a lot, only bits of the information given were familiar to me. Different focal points and different ways of composing a picture. My brain was bursting.
We carried out various studies using only two colours – burnt umber and ultramarine. These two blended together produce a series of greys from Bluey grey to browny grey. They can be hard or soft depending upon the amount of water added.
The afternoon culminated in a snow scene of which mine received valued praise from Denny (because it was close to her example.)
It surprises me how many people do not listen to her suggestions of ways to go about a given task . They are only suggestions but buried within those there are some useful rules. It’s a good idea, as a beginner, to heed the rules.
A high horizon and stormy sky, and some trees that need to be a bit distressed. Below.

During the morning some study sketches we did allowed us to prepare the ground for our homework task, which involves sheep in the snow . That will be fun! Not.
Next Saturday, there is a half day workshop on snowy themes, with Christmas in mind, so I am feeling well set up for it.
A lot of concentration was involved today, and I was quite tired by 4.00pm.
I gathered up H on the way home. Her sixth sense warned her I had arrived as she hurtled down the dark garden with Minnie to greet me. I’d only been gone a few hours , but the welcome was overwhelming with its excitement and squeaks and yelps.
Tomorrow, I’m meeting Anne for lunch and Monday and Tuesday are likewise busy.
Thought for the Day

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