It has been a quiet day. I enjoyed it. I’ve been busy in a quiet sort of way.
I was on my way towards the kettle at around 05.00. The coffee was good as was the toast that went with it. I have new decaf coffee supplies from Amazon as well as a toilet paper mountain. Even though I now live on my own, certain things are best bought from Amazon.
eg coffee bags, dog poo bags and other things I use a lot of. And bulky buys – dog food, toilet paper etc.
I busied myself with painting and other crafty stuff for most of the day. I needed to be at the top of my game because I have a six hour watercolour workshop to look forward to tomorrow. I shall have to take my tonal ‘homework’ along to be critiqued along with everyone else’s, despite trying to wriggle out of it by sending screenshots to Denny.
I bit the bullet once more and H and I walked at Pangbourne Meadows which are much drier than a couple of weeks ago. Also a lot of the tussocky stuff has been flattened if you follow the other walkers’ tracks.
So H has had a decent run around, and a paddle. And I gave her another grooming whilst we had a love in. The orange monster is still there and I photographed its backside this time, where there is a door of sorts. It seems to be held together with masking tape dotted around its body.
We are suffering anticyclonic gloom, according to the weather forecasters, which is why we have had grey skies and gloomy atmosphere for the last couple of weeks. But, hey, I believe the north of Scotland has had some sun. Today was no different here. Though Monday might be.

And the day drew to a close – lots of sitting around, but busy sitting around.

I wonder if she’s cross with me – strange place to snooze.
Thought for the Day

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