Changing Day

What was a quiet day turned into something else, and then back again. All change.

It started off with a swim. It was another greasy, grey and spitty morning. I took my life in my hands and travelled to Didcot via Halfpenny Lane and its hazardous road junction, rather than via Wallingford. This is thanks to road works at Britwell cum Sotwell, which can cause long queues at certain times of day.

Unfortunately, there are also road works at Hagbourne making all routes to Didcot problematic. But hold ups are shorter via this route. Swings and roundabouts etc.

The usual slow group of floaters held up my lengths. Tedium set in. And minor feelings of irritation. Usual story, not giving way to faster swimmers. There were a few of us who wanted to get past the man in beige Bermudas, the woman in blue and one or two others. A familiar face did appear, thank goodness. I cut the swim short after 800m, partly because I wanted to get home before next week.

Back at home eventually, I found a lonely piece of bread, which quickly became a lonely slice of toast. Until I murdered it. And I downed a cup of coffee and contemplated my now, not so peaceful, day ahead. This had become not so peaceful after a request from Ali to check in on Minnie during the day, and a rather expensive shopping list for Vicars.

So, once I was home, I crafted for a while because Minnie had company until 10.30 am and H was in no hurry for her walk. Then I had a message from Fleur asking if I could collect her from school, early at 1.30pm because the sixth form centre was closing early due to preparations for an open evening later that day.

This was convenient because Vicars is nearby and F could look after Minnie once I picked her up.

H got her short walk in the lane by Vicars, F was picked up and handed a heavy bag and a receipt to organise into their fridge.

And then I returned home to deal with chores etc and sit around, with the afternoon well past its best.

George has a good school report, strangely issued just before his mock GCSEs .

But the Downs school has also just published its first Ofsted report following an inspection in early October, the first inspection in 10 years. The last inspection garnered them an ‘Outstanding’.

The way inspections are summarised has changed since the summer, and single grades are no longer issued. However Downs School ( a state school) clearly remains a very good school with outstanding being the judgement in most categories. Great work by Mr Prosser and his staff and pupils.

Thought for the Day






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