So be it

For those who live in the US as well as those of us who live beyond its borders. May you yearn for the prosperity you had under Biden before ‘Hate defeated Hope,’ in the words of one commentator. You have forgotten the 400,000 Covid deaths, the instructions to drink bleach, the relief when Trump’s term of office came to an end.

I slept reasonably, taking in a Netflix recommended by Chris before finally retiring for the night – Seventeen.

I arose to do more craftwork before taking H out. I relented and forgave Pangbourne for its sogginess last week and we returned there. I knew it would be a silly idea. And a soggy one. Though the ground was slightly drier than last week. H ran around and I directed her away from the swans who lurked near the bridge. She is now good friends with the geese, but I suspected the swans might be different.

There were a couple of strange vessels out and about on the river today, and only one of the common place variety.

And a more natural river occupant.

H and I communed on a bench for a while whilst I groomed her and she then guarded her fluff.

The free car park had been very very full when I arrived, which puzzled me. On a gloomy damp day, with virtually no toddlers on the playground, where were all the car owners? Also police notices abounded about vandalism there, and the public toilets have been closed for the same reason. Odd.

I carried out a few chores and filled the black bin with a load of rubbish including some ancient plant pots and other garden items. I still have my mini winter greenhouse to construct. I really ought to do something about it.

My Hotlips gave gone mad, otherwise the garden is full of dead horse chestnut leaves and withering plants. And the …. Grass is still growing. So much for a last cut.

And that was it really. A bit of TV and a snooze and the left over stuffed peppers for supper.

Thought for the Day






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