Not as intended

The day did not go as intended. It was another dull and uninspiring day and more such are promised in the immediate future.

I went swimming. That didn’t go as intended either. I swam further than I meant to due people gathering to chat at the pool ends so no space to carry out water fitness after 700 or 800 metres. My heart was not really in it today due to a clutter of the regular slow coaches and no familiar friendly faces.

I returned home to some brekkie, a coffee and a walk with H. I briefly contemplated Pangbourne, but remembered how uncomfortable the turf had been last time, so returned to Cholsey.

I did a little crafting and some general tidying up. A doze may have occurred. And then decided to keep an eye on the US election results which are also looking uncomfortable. Lunacy rules out there it seems. God help America if that idiot gets back in, which is looking increasingly likely.

And so he did. And to think I remember talking to some Normandy folks a few years back who thought Sarkozy lacked gravitas and was rather vulgar.

Thought for the Day.

Heaven do not help America. They made their choice. Now they can live with it. Like all those people who voted for Brexit and realised they were plonkers. Fake info and all that. I feel for women out there. Who won’t mind committing sexual assault now? (male or female) If the President can get away with it, why can’t I. People will say to themselves. And if a woman becomes pregnant as a result she will have to live with that result.

I’m old fashioned-if you want to lead, you should lead by example. A good example. You should treat others as you would like to be treated. With every right, there is also a responsibility. Etc etc.

And a dash of emotional literacy helps.






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