
I was awake far too early – around 04.30, but soothed myself with a drink etc. Whilst preparing it , I performed a chore or two such as emptying the dishwasher. Boring! And I may have drifted off again for a little while.

H and I took ourselves around the larger meadow at Cholsey and then to the Imma Bakery at Stoke Row. There, my troubles began. It was about 11.30 when we got there. And there were long queues. Mostly, these were dominated by one family/friend group with six children and numerous adults. Their clothing was emblazoned with Henley Rugby Club insignia. Aka badges.

I could be charitable and say the kids ( aged between 2-9 at a guess) were excited. More honestly, they were the most loud, entitled little undisciplined nuisances I have seen in a while. They were like rowdy escapees who needed a minder with the limbs of an octopus to control them.

Are they were noisily exploring the rubbish bins, a heap of crates and anything that could be moved was moved. Just kids being kids!! Yeah right!
To make matters worse their minders were swiftly emptying the display cabinet of its goodies by ordering different items for each group member. The sort of order that goes on for ever, each item requiring a different bag, makes a queue longer, and waitees more fed up.

I eventually escaped with my sourdough baguette and my pain au chocobat – and no- that is not spelt wrong. A sort of croissanty bow tie that looked burnt but was dark chocolate coloured. Was it tasty? Now let me think…Worth that wait? Not sure, a wait like that should not happen. But hey, the queue had trebled by the time the entitled had been served. Not that there was much on display left for those waiting.

Waitrose was next on the list and that was as bad. A combination of people having full wage packets and timing with the end of kids sports matches were probably responsible. Random groups of young kids in football, rugby, or hockey gear accompanied by their parents, cluttered the shop and the car park.

My timing was not good today.

I arrived home to an encounter with Burt which afforded me a light bulb moment. What a liar he is. Though his brain doesn’t work quickly enough to be a convincing one.

Sharon, my cleaner had told me, a couple of days ago, that a neighbour had asked her not to park her car on the shared concrete strip. Wendy is at it again, I thought to myself. Though why Sharon had parked there, when the drive was empty, remains a mystery. I suggested she should not worry about it. I was in Devon at the time.

Well Burt ambushed me today, to say the incident with Sharon was nothing to do with him. Well how would he know about it, I thought to myself, if not involved? Well who did ask her to move ? I asked him. Bluster and lies followed as he dug deep to try and explain. The parish council he suggested. What? I asked. As if! Someone who lived in Apple House? Apple House? He made his hole deeper and wider. Why should anyone be interested? I asked. The council was mentioned again.

Then … all became clear… would I mind if a professional washed his car on the shared concrete? He asked. Of course not, I replied. And the lightbulb, which became a floodlight, illuminated as I realised he was clearing the way for his car to be parked where Wendy had told Sharon not to park.

So the morning and its events provided the day’s excitement.

More art followed and some food later in the afternoon. And a doze.

It is a shame the evictee has left Strictly. No spoilers.

I’m trying to post this again, just in case WordPress relents and allows me to.

Thought for the Day

I hope this publishes






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