Happy 22 years of wedlock to Ali and Dave. 30 years together, if you count the 8 it took them to get themselves to the altar.
Usual sort of night, awake early ish, but because I’m not in my own home, I delayed showering until around 07.00. And then packed my bag and took H downstairs and out for her early stroll round the estate.
It was yet another dull morning with a chilly edge to it. The household, or something of it appeared, as did hot drinks and crumpets. Dave went for a run, Pen went in search of clothes and they kindly took a reluctant H for a longish walk. She returned, happy to be back.
An electrician had appeared who was ironing out a few teething problems to do with external lighting. And an internal fan.
I said goodbye to Frankie and Dave. Evie had been out and Pen and I in separate cars headed for Otter Nurseries in Ottery St Mary. There they were preparing for tar barrels this evening with lots of warning signs, lining some streets, such as: FLAMING BARRELS.
I know Lewes has bigger traditions along similar lines.
The garden centre did not have the rose I was looking for. So I bought some cyclamen instead and then we visited their food shop for one or two items.
H and I set off for the A30 and A303 and bid Pen farewell. We had a lovely few days although the weather was a bit of a let down. At least it did not rain – until I set off for the drive home, when it tried to.
The journey home was strange – my satnav said 2 hours 20 mins to home from Ottery. It said 2 hours 22 mins AFTER Sparkford roadworks. ie after about 50 miles. 😡😡
Then Apple asked if would I like to save 23 mins and go via Frome and M4. So I assumed something was going on along the A303. And chose to save the time.
But after I had toured most of Dorset, Somerset and bits of Wiltshire, the radio told me the A303 was running well. Luckily so was the M4. Annoying nevertheless .
I called in at the Illis to wish them a happy 22 years and to drop off cards and a tub of rather pretty cyclamen. It was two years ago today that Dave flew out to Italy to rescue T and H whilst I was in hospital in Asti.
Ali is still suffering from discs in her neck and a badly infected tooth. Not good pains to have and certainly not in combination. I left them with comfort food of half the chocolate cake I had bought to offer Brenda on Monday. It was gratefully received and disappeared quickly.
It seems thieves are about locally. Before I went away, Ali had told me a senior colleague’s wife’s car had been stolen . They live the other end of the same road.
But she has now learned more. It seems the police were tracking another stolen vehicle with a drone, or helicopter, or something similar, and noticed two vehicles seemingly acting in tandem. They must have got the registration details of the second vehicle and were on the owners’ doorstep at 05.00 before they even knew it had been stolen. How clever is that? And what great news to wake up to!!! Not!
But Ali added reports of another vehicle stolen locally and various break ins so it seems thieves are out and about locally.
I staggered into the house and swiftly unpacked. If I don’t do it straight away, it sits around unpacked for ages. It’s good to be back. No
Thought for the Day

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